Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Happy Summer Days with Rauch Orange Juice

Summer is finally here! Surely, everyone is on a constant hunt for thirst quenchers that will also nourish their bodies and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

As the weather gets warmer and warmer, a glass of Happy Day 100% Orange Juice will surely refresh you in the summer days. Unlike the other juices available in the market, a liter of Happy Day 100% Orange Juice contains about 2.5 kilos of sun-ripened oranges. A glass of Happy Day meets the required daily dose of Vitamin C that our body needs.

Easy Easter Crafts To Try With The Kids

With the Easter holidays fast approaching, chances are you’re thinking of things you can do with the kids to keep them busy while they’re off school. One great solution is to get crafty. It’s not too expensive, allows kids to express their creativity and is something you can do from home so perfect for rainy days. Here are some fun craft activities you can try with kids, which aren’t too difficult and don’t require masses of equipment. 

Crash, Bang, Wallop - Averting DIY Disasters

Lots of us are trying to save cash by getting into DIY around the house. Once you’ve managed to improve your skills and confidence with home repairs and maintenance, you will hardly ever have to call out a professional handyman to come and do all the work for a very large price! 

There is always one thing that homeowners are wary about, though, when it comes to doing their own DIY. And that is DIY disasters! No matter how skilled you might become with a hammer and wrench, there is always the chance of something going wrong. It even happens to the professionals! After all, mistakes happen! But, thankfully, there are ways you can always try to avert these disasters. Here are some really great tips that should help you do just that.

Monday, March 27, 2017


More than just a picture of a fit and fab mom, Aiko Melendez lately is more than ready to face the world in a whole new light and positive direction. An absolute stunner at 41, she also proves that it’s never too late to redeem your youth and vibrancy through active lifestyle, balanced diet and a little help from a certified professional who can do wonders for your wellness goals.

A masterpiece by Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute Medical Director Claudine Roura who’s famously known as the country’s Vaser Liposcuplture expert, one can’t help but fawn over Aiko’s svelte and proportioned figure. While it’s true that her amazing transformation is a combination of many activities and elements, here are some of the treatments that prove to be everything you may need to help you achieve your dream body that’s worth the second look.

Novuhair Salutes All Women

In celebration of International Women’s Month this March 2017, Nutramedica Inc., encourages women to speak their mind and know their rights. Be it in society or otherwise, women have excelled over the years, creating a sense of socio-equality that every female across the globe shall be proud of.

This years’ theme is “Be bold for change”, a very subjective manner of approach to the present era where women are called to lead and influence. Novuhair calls for the same thrust. 

Novuhair empowers the female population by improving their appearance thru self-help ideas on social media. Channeling their self-esteem and confidence to exude.

Sunday, March 26, 2017


We all know that Vitamin C is good for our health as it protects our immune system and helps us fight diseases but did you know that Vitamin C is also loaded with beauty benefits?

Vitamin C’s benefits extend to more than just our body health, it is also loaded with other benefits that will help us look good.

Dermcare Brings Beauty and Care

For 2 decades, Dermcare have continuously shared their unfailing love and concern for their customers, delivering utmost satisfaction to your every vanity regardless of gender, age, social standing, and personal preferences.

Channeling your beauty to radiate doesn’t come overnight, your skin requires pampering and care of a professional center that understands your needs. And, Dermcare, a center that provides all your skin pampering necessities has now come into full bloom as it introduces its new look and logo.

Dermcare has been like a second home to their clients as the center treats each customer as part of their family. The care that Dermcare delivers manifest through repeat customers that keep coming back for the very reason that they feel that they belong.

Understandably, you would only want the best for the ones you hold dear to your heart. This is why Dermcare has up the ante, so everyone in your family and social circle can experience the care and
passion that only Dermcare can give.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Novuhair encourages you to understand your hair

Other than our face, our hair is one of the first thing that other people notices, this very reason is why most people take extra effort in caring for their mane, but are you doing enough?

A hair salon is one of the usual places that a person would go to whenever they need to have their hair fixed, this is typical if you just need a relief from a bad hair day or to mend your split ends. What if your hair needs a more extensive solution such as for your hair loss?

Several factors can cause hair loss and understanding your lifestyle pattern may help remedy your condition.
  • Stress is the most common factor in temporary hair loss.
  • Incorrect use of hair products with harmful chemicals
  • Childbirth also causes temporary hair loss
  • Cosmetic procedures such as Rebonding, Perming, Bleaching and Dyeing
  • Autoimmune diseases such as Alopecia.
  • Medical treatment such as chemotherapy and Beta-blockers
  • Medical conditions such as Lupus, Diabetes, Anorexia and Anemia can also cause hair loss
Say goodbye to hair loss and scalp problems with Novuhair, natures answer to hair loss. Novuhair is made with 19 natural ingredients that include moringa oleifera, panax ginseng, virgin coconut oil and the natural essences of rosemary and peppermint and almost 100% natural.

Novuhair nourishes the scalp and hair by increasing the flow of nutrients and improving blood circulation to the scalp. Novuhair also helps hydrate the scalp, maintain the hair’s natural luster and prevent early hair graying, hair dryness and itching. It also penetrates deep to rejuvenate the hair follicles, provides optimum nutrition to help combat hair loss and/or thinning of hair, improves blood circulation in the scalp which contributes to the stimulation of hair growth.

Have your hair and scalp analyzed in order to check for problems. Novuhair, is offering a series of free hair and scalp analysis is various locations, check their monthly schedule at www.novuhair.com, Facebook page: www.facebook.com/NovuhairOfficial , Instagram: @NovuhairOfficial or on Twitter: @NovuhairNatural. You may also call the Novuhair hotlines at 4136570 and 09228830575.

Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion, Shampoo and Conditioner are available in all Mercury Drug Stores and other leading drug stores nationwide. For online purchases, visit Lazada.com.ph and regaloservice.com.

Turn Back The Clock By Eating Your Way To Youthful Skin

Aging is inevitable, but growing old gracefully is a choice. Looking after our bodies, minds, and even our skin is a great investment for the future. The changes you make now will impact the aging process more than you could imagine. Pay attention to what you eat and you could turn back time and grow old gracefully…

What in the world is a Lime Crime?

Friday, March 24, 2017

Easy Ways To Save Money Every Day at Home

It is so easy to spend money. From a trip to the supermarket just walking home from work, we can spend, spend, spend! A coffee here and there really adds up, as do the things that we do around the house. It seems like the world is full of instant gratification, and that the idea that if you don’t spend, you’ll be unhappy. But really, you’ll be the happiest when you can save some money for a rainy day and live within in your means, right? It seems like it is important more than ever to stay focused on your end goal of saving if that is what you want to do. You do have to make a commitment to change. Otherwise, it isn’t going to make a difference at all. So here are some things that you can start doing around the house today to save yourself some money. Some may just be pennies; some might be much bigger savings. But it does all add up over time. How is that for instant gratification?

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Home Sweet Home: How To Make Your Rented Property Your Own

With the current economic climate, more and more young people are having problems buying their own homes. Unless you’re willing to live at home for a long time or you’ve had an inheritance that’s big enough to help you out with a deposit, you might have accepted that for the time being, you’re on the conveyor belt of renting rather than the ladder of property investment. That isn’t always a bad thing - you’re free to move wherever you want whenever you want, and you can still make your home feel like your own little space. Here are some tips to help…

Read Your Lease Agreement Carefully

First and foremost, make sure that you’ve read your contract very carefully to figure out what exactly is and isn’t allowed in your rented home. Some landlords will permit things that others won’t, like putting holes in the wall to put pictures up. Some will even allow you to repaint the walls. You need to make sure that the changes you want to make to your new home won’t affect whether or not you get your deposit back at the end - you might not feel as though putting up that poster was worth not getting all that money back when it comes down to it.

Image source

Where Are You Most Likely To Go Wrong When Buying Your First Home?

Buying your first home is arguably the most important consumer purchase you’ll ever make. It is the most valuable item you will have bought to date, and will set the tone for your entire future as a property owner. Therefore, getting the process right is imperative.

It is a daunting task that faces many potential hurdles along the way. Moreover, as an inexperienced buyer, you are more vulnerable than most. So what are the most common problems you could face, and how can you overcome them?

Let’s take a closer look.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Planning a Family Trip to Somewhere Magical

What’s better than going on a relaxing holiday to someplace spectacular? Going with your children, of course! However, there can be far more considerations and issues that arise when playing a trip with children, especially if they’re still toddlers and unsure about traveling on a plane. However, a trip to Disneyland will knock their socks off and make them scream with joy when you announce your big plans.

Monday, March 20, 2017

The New Sharp J-Tech Inverter Premium Split-Type Air Conditioner: Superb Cooling Option for More Comfort and Savings

Summer is now upon us, the cold remnants of the Christmas winds finally turn into the humid and almost non-existent breeze of summer. Time to lounge by the pool or the beach to cool-off from the heat, unless you are the type who finds great satisfaction relaxing indoors with another cool companion—the air conditioner.

Bring Peace to Unwind in Your Home Sanctuary

Everyone deserves a space in their home where they can relax and let go of the stress of daily life. But not everyone has that space or even knows where to create one. You might think that you don't have anywhere in your home to create a peaceful space where you can relax. However, you can make just about any space in your home a sanctuary to help you unwind whenever you need it. When you share your house with other people, where exactly can you go for some time to yourself? Try one of these locations that you either already have or can add to your home.

Coping With Sudden Changes in Life

Out of all the stressful things we experience in life, nothing hits as hard as a sudden and overwhelming change in circumstances. It’s the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about, and it’s the situations that we know will eventually come but we feign ignorance and forget about it so that we don’t get stressed out.

Situations like the death of a family member, a divorce, or even experiencing a car crash can be incredibly stressful times that we all want to avoid. Sadly, it’s a difficult time for everyone involved and we can’t simply turn our backs to these issues and pretend nothing is going on. It’s an unpleasant subject to talk about, but it’s important that you try to prepare yourself for these eventual situations.

Source: Pixabay

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Where to Go Next? Fun for All the Family

Holiday destinations can be hard to choose at the best of times, especially as there is, in this day and age, so many things on offer to see and do. But choosing a holiday destination for yourself and your family is even tougher. You have to bear in mind the needs of everybody involved: the other half has to be happy, the kids have to be happy and you have to be happy. When it comes to choosing a destination that will provide fun for the whole family, it’s important to remember that the needs of everything must be remembered.

It’s very important to remember that, despite how close your family may be, everybody is different and enjoys doing different things. Life would be boring if everybody enjoyed the same things, which is why it is important that, especially in a holidaying environment, each individual is given the opportunity to choose freely what they do. The perfect environment to induce this type of freedom is a waterpark. This is because they, one, offer adrenaline junkies the chance to ride water at excessive speeds as if they were on a rollercoaster, two, offers those who prefer to sunbathe and have the occasional swim the chance to do so, and three, it offers children the chance to really explore water, especially if it is their first chance to do so. There are a plethora of waterparks situated in all corners of the globe, particularly in those warm countries that are situated close to the equator. For instance, Siam Park in Tenerife, the self-titled ‘Water Kingdom’, is rife with attractions such as the Mai Thai River and Floating Market, for those that want to relax; the Naga Racer and Jungle Snake, for families activities; and Tower of Power for all those adrenaline junkies. Waterparks offer families the perfect opportunity for kids and adults alike to embrace their adventurous sides, whilst allowing for those with far more relaxed dispositions the chance to embrace the summer the way that is supposed to be embraced: in the heat in front of a pool.

Keeping Your Child Healthy at School

When your child is at home, you’re able to keep a watchful eye on them to ensure they’re kept as healthy and fit as possible. Too much time playing video games? You’re on it. Playing in dirty areas ripe for disease? You’re on it. But while you can make sure they’re kept well at home, what about at school, where they spend the majority of their day? His or her teachers can’t be watching your child all the time. It’s up to you to ensure they’re kept healthy.

The Road To Recovery After A Road Crash

The road is dangerous for every driver. Even if you are an experienced driver, there’s no guarantee that everyone else on the road is too. As a result, unfortunately, more often than not, road accidents occur. Not all of them end in dramatic circumstances, but there are all traumatic and painful. Every car accident requires a recovery, whether it is legal, financial, physical or emotional. So, even though it isn’t a thought that anybody would like to juggle with, you need to be aware of the main recovery steps after a car crash. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Feeling Tired? : Simple Tips for Reenergizing

As a busy mom, we have a lot on our plate. Not only do we have to look after the kids, go to work each day and handle the chores, but we also have to ensure the family is happy, healthy and well-fed. It can really take a lot out of you and leave you in a constant state of fatigue.

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be that way – check out these simple tips for reenergizing in an instant:

Up Your Magnesium Intake

If you are eating a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, there is a good chance you are already getting your recommended daily dose of magnesium, but if you’re still feeling too tired to do anything much, there is a chance that you could be deficient and might well 

benefit from either upping your intake of magnesium rich foods like avocadoes bananas and beans, or taking a daily supplement until things improve.

Take a Walk

Pondering A Pond?

image source
It is the time of year where people start thinking about their gardens. Your home will always be on your mind, but you will want your garden in top shape for the spring and summer months to ensure that you can enjoy it to its fullest potential. If you were thinking of adding something to your garden as a focal point then this can be it. Or, alternately, you can use it as a small addition in a corner or edge, that can just be part of a wider garden. The choice is yours. If you are considering a pond there are certain things you need to think about. You may have already thought these through, but if not, you need to give them consideration.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

There's More To This Stay At Home Mom Than Meets The Eye!

It’s never easy to get people to take you seriously when you work from home. They think they can drop by whenever they want. Worse, they get offended when you don’t drop everything for them. Being a work at home mom is even harder. You may have chosen this career so you could work your hours around your children. But, the kids won’t understand why you can’t spend time with them when you’re right there. At least if you were at the office, they would understand you’re busy! And then there’s the problem of not being able to get to work before all the chores are done. Before you know it, you’re falling behind, and the house still isn’t clean. So, how can you balance home and work when the two are so linked? 

Convenient Lies You Tell Yourself (And Why You're Wrong)

Everyone needs a little bit of encouragement in life sometimes. Even those of us who are generally confident will encounter difficulty here and there, and will need a little pep talk. For most of us, this is something we can do ourselves. Over a quick coffee or a snack, we say: “you’ve dealt with worse before” or “this is a challenge, but I’ll be stronger for it”. 

What we have to be careful about is the line we sometimes cross. On one side of it, there is helpful encouragement. On the other, there are kind lies we tell ourselves to deal with niggling issues, the stress of bringing up kids, or dealing with a daily grind. These lies can be small and harmless. What we need to be sure of, though, is that we don’t become too used to telling ourselves what we want to hear. 

Monday, March 13, 2017

OPPO Officially Partners with Philippines' Next Top Model

OPPO, a mobile technology brand is continuously making a buzz here in the Philippines. Just recently, in a gala held at City of Dreams Manila, OPPO Philippines announced that they will be a major sponsor of the Philippine's Next Top Model (PNTM); High Street; the latest incarnation of the model's search's Philippine franchise. 

"We are proud to be part of this show, this is also an opportunity for us to to show the other side of the OPPO brand which puts prime on fashion and style." said OPPO Philippines Brand Marketing Manager Stephen Cheng.

OPPO was also the official partner of America's Next Top Model (ANTM) Cycle 22,  which was aired in 2015. America's Next Top Model (ANTM) is a worldwide sensation that several countries had their own edition of the international renowned television contest. Contestants were given selfie challenges involving the camera features of the OPPO R7 and R7 Plus: Beautify, Double Exposure and Panorama. And, like the brand’s collaboration with the team behind America’s Next Top Model, this time they hope this partnership will be just as successful here in the country.

At the event, PNTM candidates were introduced to the media and was given an OPPO F1s, the #SelfieExpert phone which they used to take their own selfies.

While the phone for the upcoming PNTM cycle is yet to be revealed, OPPO announced that it will sign up the show’s top three models as online influencers. watch out for it!

The event was hosted by former Binibining Pilipinas-World Maggie Wilson, who is also one of the judges to choose the final winner amongst 24 contestants. 

That night it was also a lucky night for me, this Instagram post of mine won me my very own OPPO F1s phone, so now, I'm officially a #SelfieExpert! See more of my snaps on my Instagram account" @pearlizhell 

About OPPO

OPPO is a global electronics and technology service provider that provides customers with the latest and most exquisite devices and mobile internet service. OPPO delivers customers with the most delightful electronic experience that is full of surprises, through meticuluous designs and smart technology. For more information, visit http://global.oppo.com

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Get Ready For Spring Cleaning!

The days are getting longer, the chill in the air is starting to fall away, and the can feel the warm feeling of the sun on your skin every time you step outside. There's no doubt about it, winter is gone, and spring is well and truly on its way. There are plenty of things that come along with the spring season. Blossoms, baby animals, and, of course, spring cleaning. For some it's the perfect time to, both figuratively and literally, brush off the cobwebs and make a new start, while other people dread the idea of having to bust out the feather dusters and scrubbing brushes. Whatever you think about spring cleaning, it's definitely the perfect time to give your home a seriously thorough once over, and the best way to do that is room by room. With that in mind, here are some the places to focus on as you clean your way through your home.

The living room

Blurred Lines: Inside and Outside

What could be nicer as the summer is now slowly approaching, than to start thinking of ways to bring the outside in and vice versa? In particular, it's a way of making the most of your outdoor spaces and not feeling like you are cooped up in the door all of the time. But how can we blur the lines between outdoor and indoor living? Read on to find out. 

Plants and decor 

So, of course, when you are thinking of outside space, and inside space the one thing that you can have in both without too many problems are plants. But how exactly does this work in practice to blur the lines between the two? Well, first of all, take a look at the sort of plants that are already growing in your garden. Are they tropical, or more farmhouse and country? 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Cleaning Up Kids’ Messes

If you’ve got young kids, you’ll know just how much mess they can make. Crayon on the walls, food in the carpet and glitter, well everywhere. Chances are, you’ll be looking for some ideas on how to clean up kids’ messes quickly and with the minimal amount of effort properly – I’ve got you covered. Check out these quick tips for cleaning up common children’s messes:

Tips on Getting Kids to Sleep

Getting your kids to sleep to a schedule and stick to a nighttime routine can be tough, but it is essential to improving the quality of their sleep and ensuring that they are rested enough to grow and progress through life with relative ease. It’s also vital for the sanity of frazzled mommies and daddies too. Thankfully, if your child is a poor sleeper, there are several simple things you can do to get them to sleep on time. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Cornerstones Of A Strong Upbringing

All parents want to be able to say that they did the best they could by their children. The truth is, our commonly held ideas about what this entails are often far too strict to uphold. Actually, being a good parent is a relatively simple and easy thing to do, as long as you are able to provide a few basic things for your family on the whole. In this article, we are going to look at some of those essentials. It is fair to say that as long as you are providing your children with these vital few, then you are succeeding as a parent. Let’s take a look at what they are - and how to get them right.

Kickstart Your Kids Love For Sport

As a parent, there is nothing better than seeing your kid smile as they play sport, exercising their ability to excel in something they love doing. And there no prouder moment that standing on the sideline or shouting on the bleachers as you see them represent their school or club, playing in front of a cheering crowd. Sport is incredible, and the joy they get from it is just one of the benefits.

When your kid loves a sport, they learn vital life skills as well as the most vital, happiness. They learn the importance of discipline, of teamwork and cooperation, they learn about motivation, commitment, how to win gracefully and lose with dignity, and the importance of exercise and well-being - and all of these will help them succeed throughout life. This is part of the reason why so many children are introduced to sports from the moment they can walk (or crawl) before they can even read. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Busy Moms Do This!

If you are a mom, you will know the true meaning of the word busy. In fact, as a mom, you get very little time for yourself even when you're in the bathroom! But there are some ways you can claim back a little time in the day, while still doing a top notch job of caring for you little ones. Read on to find out more. 

Prepared snacks 

So, one of the biggest things that are a drain on your time as a mom, is all the preparation and cooking of food that you have to do.

With so much stuff in the media these days about how prepared foods are bad for you, it can really feel like you have to make absolutely everything from scratch. But worry not, because there are some healthy options that come ready prepared so you can just pop then you bag and go when you are on your way out of the house. 

A Room That Grows With Your Child

Time never moves so fast as it does when you’re a parent. One minute, your baby is tiny and helpless, the next, they’re taller than you and have a mind of their own. With time moving so fast, it can be hard to keep up. But, it’s important you try. Treating your child as a baby when they’re not can cause to a divide. They’ll feel misunderstood and frustrated. Instead, it’s important you acknowledge the age they are. That acknowledgment includes the room you provide for them. Modernizing your interiors is always worth doing. With ever-growing children, redecoration will be even more necessary. They need a room that expresses who they are, and who they are is changing all the time. So, what do you need to update?


Monday, March 6, 2017

Healthy Momma, Healthy Baby

When you are pregnant, it can seem like her is an awful lot of pressure on you. This is because it's not just you that you are looking after but also you unborn child. Which mean that what you do also affect them. Indeed, for those nine months and a while after it's a symbiotic relationship between you and your baby. So it's important to take the best care of yourself as possible. As not only will this make you healthy during your pregnancy and for the birth, but will also give you baby the best start in life as well. Read on to find out more.

What to eat

As we know what we eat is vital to our health, as it is through our food that we gain most of our fuel and nutrients to allow the body to work properly. Of course, many women are prone to strange carving during pregnancy of food that they would not normally eat or wouldn't put together. You can find some example of bizarre pregnancy craving here.

The Best Places To Get Involved In Your Community

Want to meet new people in your neighborhood? Want to give something back to the community? There are countless places to get involved that don’t require you getting elected onto a council. Here are a few different methods of getting involved in your community

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Bring The Outside In

As spring starts to rear its beautiful head, it gives us time to take stock of our lives, and remember everything we love about the outside world. Pretty soon we’ll be able to throw our windows open, walk in the park among blossom, and invite our nearest and dearest over for barbecues and summer parties. But the good old British weather can make some of these trickier than our fantasies might hope. Bringing the garden, in all its fresh and beautiful greenery, into our homes brings brightness, life, and summer, even when it’s raining.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Fashion Fades, Only Style Remains The Same: Timeless Home Decor

Just like with clothes, trends can fall out of fashion when it comes to home decor. Certain patterns, colors, and accessories that once looked sleek and modern can look frumpy and outdated when trends move on. This is unavoidable, and generally, something to embrace. Let’s face it, it can be fun revamping your home and breathing in a new lease of life every few years. But there are some things you don’t want to have to change every time you decorate. Choose well, and these will last you through all of the different decor changes over the years. They’re the kind of thing that simply don’t go out of style.

3 Key Points to Look Out for When Choosing the Perfect Family Home

When you are looking for a new property, it can be hard to decide whether you have found ‘the one’. After all, you need a home which is perfect for your family. But what makes the perfect family home? For a lot of people, it can mean different things. However, there are a few key points to look out for when choosing the perfect family home that every family definitely agrees on! 

Plenty of space in the property

As you will know, the more space, the better when it comes to a new home. After all, kids take up so much room with all their toys. And they can end up all over the house if they don’t have good sized bedrooms. Also, with more space, it’s easier to get some space from the kids. After all, you need some adult time to keep you sane! Therefore, one key thing you need to look out for when choosing a new home is space. Check out the size of the rooms and make sure there will be plenty of space for your growing family. After all, you don’t want to end up moving in a year or two as you decide to have another baby. Going for a house with extra rooms like a dining room or a study is also great to ensure your family has extra room in the home.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

DIY Home Tricks To Save You Money

The cost of living is constantly going up. As well as being greener, a more self-sufficient lifestyle could help to drastically reduce day-to-day costs. Here are just a handful of ways in which going home-made and home-grown could save you money.

Don't Be Careless With Your Health!

Life can be pretty busy and complicated a lot of the time. This is true for just about everyone. Whether you're working, taking care of your kids or doing any of the other things that make life the busy, messy, wonderful experience, it can be difficult to make time for even the most important things. And one of the most important things of all is your health. Far too many of us end up being pretty careless with our health a lot of the time. The problem is that, while it might not feel like a particularly big deal right now, that kind of attitude can actually cause a lot of problems in the long run. There are a lot of aspects of your health that might not worry you much now, but if you're not careful, they can come back and haunt you later on. To make sure that doesn't happen, here are some elements of your health that you need to start taking more care over.

Your sleep schedule

Whoever said that sleep is for the weak obviously never tried to go several days without getting a solid eight hours in. Sleep is one of the most important things that every single person needs in order to function properly. You might think that you can easily get by without that much sleep, but over time you're going to find that your moods are affected, you're not able to get nearly as much done, and you might even find that your immune system is affected by it! Make sure that you're sleeping enough and that you're sleeping sensible hours as well. Even if you're getting a full eight hours or more, if you're going to sleep and waking up very late then that's going to have an impact on your body as well.

Making Your Home More Child-Friendly

If you’ve recently welcomed a new addition to your family, you may have thought of moving house. Sometimes, when your circumstances change dramatically, it’s good to weigh up the options. Having children turns your life upside down, but moving house isn’t always on the cards. If you’ve got enough space at home, there’s usually scope to make your home more suitable for living with little ones. Here are some tips to make your house more child-friendly.

Knock down walls

If you have an old house, you may find that you have a series of small rooms rather than large open spaces often found in newer homes. Many families find that open plan living works better for them. If you don’t have a spacious kitchen, you don’t have to start looking online for houses for sale or calling estate agents. It’s often possible to knock down walls to create a bigger, more open space. If you’ve got a large kitchen-diner, your room becomes more versatile, and you can do lots of different jobs at the same time. It’s easier to spend time together as a family, and you can chat, cook and play with the kids at the same time. If you are thinking about changing the layout of your home, ask friends and colleagues for recommendations, and search online for building firms in your local area. It’s always beneficial to shop around. Don’t just go for the first quote, as you may find that timeframes and fees vary hugely. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

How to Look After a Sick Child While You’re Working

The thought of our children getting ill is already enough to turn our stomachs and make us worried, but it’s even worse if it happens during a tough period at work or while we’re several miles away at the office. It’s a struggle trying to balance your working life and your family life, but it’s several times harder when you factor in a sick child. But fear not! This guide will teach you how you can take care of your children while also working to your usual standard.

Control The Parental Urge To Splurge

As parents, we want our kids to have the best possible. If there’s a problem, we want to be able to turn to our trusty kit and have a solution to hand. For every ailment, every cut, every scrape, everything we can possibly conceive of - we want to be the mom who already has the solution before the problem even arises.

This is all well and good, and all part of the protective instinct that goes hand-in-hand with parenthood. However, there is a catch, and it’s generally found in your family finances. You might want to have the solution to everything, but that doesn’t mean you have all the available funds to do so. And there is some argument that trying to preempt every bad situation isn’t going to work anyway - you just know the rules of the universe won’t allow that to happen! 

So the first way your expenses can rack up as a parent is with the protective need. The second is somewhat less necessary, but it doesn’t stop the desire. Let’s admit it: baby and toddler clothes are cute. They’re adorable in and of themselves, as perfect little replica-of-adulthood garments, and they’re even cuter when on your child. With babies particularly growing so quickly, there’s a never-ending excuse for a parade of fashionable items and the desire for a new outfit every day. No, it’s not sensible, but when have wonderful things ever been sensible? 

Alternative Ways to Treat Chronic Pain

While medicine these days is fantastic, there are still lots of things that it can’t help with. People can have chronic pain which doctors simply can’t get to the bottom of, and when standard painkillers don't help (and are damaging to the body) what comes next? Thankfully there are plenty of safe, alternative methods you can try which have been shown to be extremely helpful to some people. Whether you want to come off painkillers, lower your dose or supplement them, here are a few treatments you could consider.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Baby Nutrition Made Easy

Feeding a baby isn’t as simple as feeding a toddler or a child. Since they’re in very early stages of development, it’s critical that you feed your baby the right nutrients and minerals to see them grow healthily. There are many different things you need to know, and this guide will go through most of the basics on baby nutrition. You might think that you can just feed your child the baby food that you find on shelves at a supermarket and you’d be somewhat right, but your child deserves better.

Important Note About Diets

Let’s make this clear first; do not feed your baby based on a diet that you personally follow. If you are vegan, don’t feed your child purely vegan food to follow in your footsteps. There’s an article on usatoday.com that reports about a baby that was fed a strict vegan diet because of his parents. The doctors found the baby was severely malnourished and his calcium and iron levels were very low. The baby was eventually removed from the parents and he is now recovering from his ordeal.

Simple Home Maintenance Tips and Tricks

Image Source: Pixabay

When it comes to home maintenance, it’s important to stay one step ahead. Have a repairs checklist handy in your home, so you can easily spot when you need to make fixes or call in the experts.


Ever heard of the phrase “Let your hair down”? It's actually an idiom which means, allow yourself to behave much more freely than usual and enjoy yourself. It is mostly advised to us at times when people sees us too stressed out either at work or going through our personal lives,

To give us much more reason to be carefree, we must be confident on how we look and feel. Take time to take care of your appearance and take extra attention to your hair. Hair is considered as our crowning glory, hence, it is pertinent that we start with it. Here are a few tips in maintaining a healthy hair.
  • Observe good hygiene all the time – regularly wash your hair to remove dirt and grimes.
  • Be extra careful whenever combing your wet hair – your hair is vulnerable to breakage during this period.
  • Use towel to dry off your hair after shower – Using hair dryer can cause damage to your hair; if you must use the heat then do so sparingly.
  • Eat the proper nutrition- Our hair is also dependent on what we eat. Iron-rich food and protein strengthens your hair.
  • Have enough sleep – Lack of sleep can cause hair loss. Sleeping allows our hair to repair and regenerate. Changes in our sleeping patterns have shown to affect our body’s immune and hormone function, as well as our physical and mental stamina. Our hair is very sensitive to these changes within the body.
  • Pamper your hair - Give your hair a proper massage with the nutrients it needs

Novuhair, nature’s answer to hair loss is made of 19 Natural ingredients which includes herbal components such as moringaoleifera, panax ginseng, virgin coconut oil and the natural essences of rosemary and peppermint. 

Novuhair nourishes the scalp and hair by increasing the flow of nutrients and improving blood circulation to the scalp. Novuhair also helps hydrate the scalp, maintain the hair’s natural luster and prevent early hair graying, hair dryness and itching. #LoveYourHairwithNovuhair

Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion, Shampoo and Conditioner are available in all Mercury Drug Stores and other leading drug stores nationwide. For more information visit www.novuhair.com, like the brand’s official Facebook Page at Novuhair Official, follow it on Twitter at @NovuhairNatural and on Instagram @novuhairofficial. You may also call the Novuhair hotlines at 4136570 and 09228830575 and order online at Lazada and regaloservice.com.

Sweet Home Panorama

This post is actually a guide to modern home improvements. More specifically, it’s about how changing your view on the property can encourage you to get more out of it. Both as a family home, and as a financial investment.

Let’s face it; a happy home that offers great resale potential is a dream shared by all homeowners. Focus on these aspects below, and you’ll be set to enjoy the best of both worlds.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Fall In Love with Tupperware Brands' Limited Edition Hello Kitty Collection

When I found out that Tupperware Brands Philippines is having a Hello Kitty Collection, Athena, Brianna and I got soo excited. So just imagine the happiness we felt last Valentine's Day when we received a huge box containing all their limited edition Hello Kitty Collection! 

The temptation of opening the box was almost hard to bare, Athena and Brianna wanted to open it right away but we patiently waited until Saturday (my rest day) before we finally unboxed it!

The Hello Kitty Collection is included in Tupperware Brands' Mid-Month Special for February so it's available from February 16 until February 28, 2017, only.  

Alright, so let's see the items included in this limited edition collection! 

Warning: Too much cuteness. You'll surely fall in love with all of it.

What’s in the Perfect Cup of Coffee?

Let’s talk coffee. Do you like yours from Starbucks, are you hooked on instant, or do you love to chug gas station coffee? Whatever your preferences, there’s nothing quite like sipping on a perfect cup of coffee to start your day. If you don’t go to bed and wake up looking forward to a fresh brew, then you don’t know what it’s like to have a perfect, or close-to-perfect cup of coffee. So what goes into making the perfect coffee? 

Here are a couple of tips, pointers, and tricks you can use to make the perfect coffee.