My husband is a huge online gamer, so it comes as no surprise that my kids are too. Well, aside from the fact that everything has shifted online these days.
So my husband and kids would play online games together, a bonding between father and his children, which for me is a sight for sore eyes. But the thing is, I always feel left out whenever they play. You see, I am not an online gamer. Sure, I play some online games, but not what their games are like. So sometimes, I feel like I am the not-fun mom. Lol!
Gone are the days when the family would gather around the table and play offline games or board games, just like how my family used to. This is just a part of my childhood that I miss, which I hope to bring to life with my own family.
And the good thing is, I actually can! I can bring the old-good games back to life with a modern touch. I'm glad I stumbled upon a website that offers a variety of fun games for kids and just about everyone. They even have board games that we can play as a family, yes with me actually playing with them. Lol!