Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Back to School Baon Ideas with Cheez Whiz

Hi, mommas! How are your kids holding up now that they're back to face-to-face classes again after two long years of online learning? I'm sure they have mixed feelings about it; they must be excited and anxious at the same time. Just like my kids!

With the opening of school comes the familiar routine of waking up early, making sure your child's uniforms are in order, and planning and preparing the week's baon. And as parents who always want the best for their growing kids, it’s important that snacks don’t only taste delicious, but they should be nutritious and strength-building too.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

A new chocolate drink in town

Iced cold Choco Hero in between roller-skating

My kids are physically active, and I’m really glad about it because physical activity is an important part of a child’s physical, mental, and social development. And, in order for them to perform these physical activities, they require energy! So I make sure they get all the energy they need from the food and drinks they consume.