Friday, September 29, 2017

Set Sale! Preparing Your Home For A Big Sell

It can be one of the most stressful things you will ever go through, although not as stressful as childbirth, selling your house is a long and difficult process sometimes. And the selling process can mean a lot of going back and forth to the estate agents, bartering with a potential buyer, and, of course opening up your house for incessant viewings for an extended period of time. Preparing your home for selling can be a bit expensive, but this should only relate to essential fixes. When you are selling your home, it makes no sense to completely overhaul the house, but you also want to strike the right balance for potential buyers by presenting a welcoming atmosphere. So how can you do this?
Put The Shoe On The Other Foot

In other words, look at it from their point of view, if you were buying this house, what would be your first impressions? What would you be looking for? Go through your house and examine every fine detail, as this is exactly what a potential buyer will be doing. Not just the superficial issues, but think about things that could potentially spell trouble for them further down the line. It may be easier to hire a home inspector to go through your home and look for things that you may not particularly spot, but a professional would. We seldom look at things from the other point of view, but when selling something as important as your home, it's time to put the shoe on the other foot.

Let There Be Light

Let there also be nice bright colors, painted walls, simple decor... the list goes on. You need your home to be presentable and as neutral as possible to any potential buyer. A person doesn't want to come into a house and see your personality all over the walls; they want to see themselves being able to live in this house. So do what you can do remove as many showy aspects of your personal tastes. You need to repaint the walls neutral colors, clean as much as possible before visitors come, and also pay attention to the smells of your property. This is something not many people think about, and we become immune to our own house stench. So it may be beneficial to have another person take a wander through your house for peace of mind, and make sure you don't cook anything strong smelling on the day of viewing.

Make Your Home Full Of Purpose

If you have a house with many rooms (lucky you), then you need to show that each room serves a specific purpose that will suit the potential buyer down to the ground. Instead of it being a general junk room, you may want to turn that spare room into an office, a relaxation space, or even a craft room! The home will be more readily snapped up if you can show exactly what your home is capable of doing.

Selling your home doesn't need to be a major chore, but unfortunately, it is most of the time.But there are things like these you can do to make your home more ready to sell to the right person.

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