Friday, July 28, 2017

Trusting Your Gut

If you've ever thought about whether you've got an intolerance to something, you're not alone there are so many of us now that seemed to not be able to stomach wheat, gluten, or lactose like we used to. And while it's important to listen to your body you need to remember that a lot of allergies and immune system deficiencies can stem from an unhealthy gut or unhealthy lifestyle habits. We need to look after our stomachs, and here is how.

Pay Attention To Your Stomach 

A lot of people now have a certain reaction to gluten, and it's not just celiacs, but there are those who have what is called a non-celiac gluten sensitivity. So when you eat bread or any wheat containing products on a regular basis and find yourself feeling sluggish or having a lot more headaches, then it's time to think about cutting gluten out of your life, which is a lot easier now thanks to wheat-free bread you can get in the local supermarket. A sure-fire way to find out if you have a gluten sensitivity is to cut all gluten containing products out of your diet for at least a month before reintroducing them gradually to see if they make a difference. If not, then you may wish to seek the help of a medical professional like a doctor who may recommend you to gastroenterologists who will be able to help you define if you've got an intolerance, or if it's a sign of something more such as IBS or Crohn's disease.

Keep An Eye On Your Diet

While eating something that disagrees with your stomach can be all too common, you may find that you're not eating enough of the right things that will replenish the gut lining. Fermented foods were traditionally part of our diet, such as raw milk or cheeses which would replenish our gut with the good bacteria our body needs. Pasteurization and cooking methods have now all but eradicated the good bacteria from most of these foods but you can eat more foods that are fermented, such as sauerkraut, fermented pickles, or kombucha as part of your everyday diet. 

What You Can Add...

As well as fermented foods you could help to reduce gut problems by adding a couple of items and habits into your eating routine. Your mother always used to tell you to chew your food, and this is because it can take a big toll on your body if your stomach needs to digest something that is only half eaten so make sure you take small bites and chew thoroughly until the food has liquefied or lost its flavor. You could add a probiotic supplement to your medicine cabinet and try to limit medications where you can, such as prescription medicines like pain relievers or blood pressure drugs, which can intervene with the digestion process giving you heartburn or acid reflux. It's important to remember also that a lot of gut problems are caused by low levels of stomach acid which can be remedied by adding a good quality unprocessed sea salt, such as Himalayan pink salt, to your diet.

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