Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Refuel You Body with Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water

The festivities are now over, and by now, most people are working on their #BalikAlindog Project or starting on their healthy lifestyles. It’s the time to focus on fitness and wellness. Why not? It's already February, time to get in shape for the Valentines Day, right? 

Now, I have a recent discovery to share with you that you can add on your healthy lifestyle- the Gerolsteiner Sparkling Water. It does more than just hydrating and refueling your body. Add this refreshing aid that will help you fight off the bloat, constipation, and may even improve indigestion.

A Busy Moms Guide To A Fabulous Home

Being a mom is one of the busiest job there is, we are masters of multitasking and we wear many hats at once. And, when we get  busy with our kids, the last thing on our mind is sorting out our home., right? After all, we struggle to find any time in the day to ensure it looks great. And after the kids have been playing during the day, it can look like a disaster zone! However, our humble abode doesn’t have to look shabby when you have kids. In fact, here are some ways to ensure it looks fabulous, even when you are a busy mom.

Whisk Your Partner Away This Valentines Day With a Romantic Mini Break

Since it's the LOVE Month, here's my most favorite Prenup photo of ours
It's the first of February and Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, so if you’re planning on treating your partner or getting away this year it’s time to put plans into action! When life is busy and chaotic, a mini break with the one you love is just what the doctor ordered- a chance to relax and unwind and spend quality time together. Here are some things to think about when you’re planning your break.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Sunday Picnic + DIY Star Margarine Fairy Bread!

It has been a school-home, study-play routine for the kids this past few weeks. We have been busy that we didn't get the chance to treat the kids out to have fun and loosen up a bit from the daily school hustle. So to break the monotony, I planned a fun and exciting activity for the kids over the weekend.

The History of Being a Productive Mom

According to an article I have read, we are one of the most productive generations that have ever lived. The amount of technology that has been developed over the past couple of decades has been astounding; we are able to live our lives with relative ease and for as little output as there has ever been. Yet, as Moms, we are craving more productivity, more stuff going on and we don’t seem to have figured out how to have gotten there already - even with the added extras that we have in the 21st century. How did people (especially women/mothers) in the last century get on without all that we had? Comparing days gone by with the goings-on of today may just surprise you… 

Hot Momma! Staying in Shape During Pregnancy

We all know by now that when we get pregnant, our bodies quickly get out of shape and it takes a long time to return to our former figure. So if it’s your first, then take heed! 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Bundle Up! Keeping Kids Warm In Winter


Here in the Philippines, we only have two seasons, the wet and the dry season. The dry season which is also called as summer, starts in late November and ends in May. The rainy seasons on the other hand starts in June and lasts till October. Other countries have four seasons namely- Spring,, Summer,
Fall (autumn) and, Winter. At this time, it's already the Winter season in the Northern Hemisphere, it started in December and lasts until February.  While the  Southern Hemisphere will have the Winter Season on June, July and August.

My kids would often ask me if we have snow here in the Philippines. For them, Winter is fun as what they see on TV and photos of their cousins in Australia, New Zealand and the USA. Making snowmen, snowball fights and marveling over the beautiful icicles that have dripped from window ledges. But cold weather can also be dangerous, in children and vulnerable people, conditions like hypothermia are a real risk to their health (and it doesn’t have to be half as cold as you might think!) To keep your precious kids safe over the colder months, here are a few things to bear in mind.

Keep Your House Cozy

Keeping your house warm in winter and cool in summer is essential, but especially so when you have babies and kids. Their smaller bodies can’t regulate temperature as well meaning it’s easy for them to overheat (or lose too much heat). Invest in a couple of thermometers for your home to keep an eye on the temperature. An efficient heating system for the winter and air conditioning for the summer is extremely important in the home. Call out a gas engineer for heating and a residential A/C repair for air conditioning if either system isn’t performing as well as it should. On top of this, you can keep your home cozy by having plenty of blankets to wrap up on while you’re watching tv in the evenings, and making sure you’re using duvets with the correct tog rating on your kid's beds. Ideally, you should have two duvets. A lighter one for spring and summer use, and a thicker one for autumn and winter. 

Choose The Right Clothing

When it comes to clothing, it’s important to get it right. You want to keep your kids warm but without them overheating which will only make matters worse. Since kids are up and about more and running around more than adults, they can quickly warm up. For this reason, lots of thinner layers are better than a few very thick ones as you can adjust depending on what they are doing, or if the weather and temperature changes. On cold days a good thermal base layer will really help to keep the cold out, this could be thermal leggings and a long sleeve thermal top or vest. Regular clothes then go on top of this, but avoid fabrics like jeans or heavy cotton as if they get wet they’re not going to dry out easily. A jumper, light jacket and then a winter coat on top will keep them toasty, but the coat can be removed if you’re sat in the car or go inside at any point. Don’t forget thick socks and waterproof footwear, hats, gloves and scarves. 

Fuel Them With Snacks

When it’s cold, your body burns more calories to keep you warm. As soon as your child starts running out of calories, they will start to cool down. Having some snacks on hand when you’re out and about can help to keep them fuelled up and reduce grouchiness in general as well as keep them warm! If you know you’re going to be out of the house and it’s cold outside, you could pack some flasks of soup or hot chocolate which can help to warm them up. You can also buy ‘food flasks’ for things like pasta dishes- perfect if you’re out for the day but finding somewhere serving hot food will be tricky.