Sunday, May 9, 2021

Being the mom God created me to be


“How do you do it?
"How do you get it all figured out?"

Being a working mom to 3 kids, and no helper, I get these kinds of questions and comments a lot. And honestly, I don't know how to answer them.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Celebrate Mother's Month with Andok's Simple Salu-salo

Happiness is waking up next to my family and, to this- a sumptuous Andok's feast waiting on the dining table! I work graveyard shifts and waking up after 3-4 hours of sleep every morning is such a struggle, and here comes thinking about what to cook for lunch or dinner. So this much-needed break from the kitchen 2 days before Mother's Day makes me feel happy and appreciated.

Friday, May 7, 2021

5 Fun activities that kids can do at home

Mommies tend to be the most tired member of the family especially during school days. We mainly handle getting our kids ready for school, meals, laundry, and even trying to make a living. No wonder an article from Forbes mentioned how our Kids might be the main reason why we are so tired.

Friday, April 30, 2021

Make the best become better

As most of us know, choosing the right complementary food can help children meet their nutritional needs, enhance growth and development, and can contribute to the prevention of acquiring diseases.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

6 Tips to help your child cope with distance learning

Amidst the mandated lockdown brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, we all have adapted to the "new normal" way of living, and that includes remote learning or distance learning.

While homeschooling is already a thing, the majority of families here in the Philippines are used to school-based learning or traditional education which makes the transition a bit stressful. Some of the factors that contribute to the stress are, not having a stable internet connection, no gadget to use for remote learning, and working parents who cannot monitor their children.

We have our share of challenges and stress as well, but I am saving that topic for another post. This post is intended to share with you some tips to help your kids transition or cope up with distance learning. They may not know how to say it, but kids do feel the stress and pressure too.