Friday, July 10, 2020

Weekend Recap: First Weekend of July

We're on a new month already, but still under coronavirus pandemic. I only have gone out of the house once to buy food. And, I think, I am not doing it again. Lol. As for the kids, I know they already miss going out. So last weekend, I finally, let them out...of our balcony, that is.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Teaching kids self care and oral hygiene skills

As parents, it is our responsibility to take care of our children. Not only making sure their needs are met, but also being confident that they fend for themselves when the situation calls for it. That is why teaching our kids basic, and age-appropriate life skills is a must. And, self-care and hygiene skills are the topmost basic life skills we should be teaching our children. These are everyday habits and lifelong skills that will not only make them look nice but will help them become healthy overall. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


The Fit Filipino Movement (FitFil) led by Health & Fitness VIP Coaches Jim & Toni Saret and co-presented by NOVUHAIR ® , nature’s answer to hair loss, wish to invite you, your family and loved ones to join a 20-day Facebook Live FREE workout session designed for all beginners and active fitness buffs starting June 22, 2020 (Monday) at 4pm.

Everyone is invited to join for FREE & win exciting prizes!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Play Days 2020: Playtime for Parents and Children Amidst Coronavirus

Mommies and daddies, how are you and your kids, holding up? It's been over three months since the mandated community quarantine due to Coronavirus. And, with the school year being pushed back for a few more months, we have no choice but to stay home with our kids for their safety.

This pandemic has sure taught us a lot of things such as, slowing down and spending more quality time with our family. I hope that you get to bond with your kids at home through active play activities, and not just through watching TV or videos online but playing as in actively playing. 

Bonding through playtime among parents and kids can tend to be a rare concept nowadays, but still very much important. Playtime between parents and kids doesn’t have to end at fun. |It’s also a way to keep kids active, and healthy- physically and mentally.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Work From Home Guides

No work no pay, no public transportation, stress, and earning money but at the risk of catching coronavirus. These are the daily struggles being experienced by a lot of workers amidst the pandemic.