Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Incorporating Comfort Into Your Interiors Without Sacrificing Aesthetic

When it comes to interior design, most properties tend to swing one of two ways: the impeccable show home style house or the cluttered, well-lived-in home. Why? Because people tend to believe that presentation has to be all or nothing. They will spend hours poring over the minor details or throw caution to the wind and ensure that their house shows all of the wear and tear of everyday life. So, where do we draw the line and can we achieve a healthy balance? Of course, we can. The key to getting it right is moderation. So, here’s how to incorporate comfort and homeliness to your property without sacrificing a stunning aesthetic.

Positive Home Atmosphere & Happy, Healthy Families Go Hand In Hand

The home is an important space for the family. All parents are well aware of the feeling of wanting to protect your family at all costs. You want them to be happy, healthy and full of life, and achieving that can sometimes seem like something of an impossible mission. But much of what you need to do happens in the home, and as long as you are building up a happy home life, you are forging a strong foundation for your family to thrive in. In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the most beneficial things you can do to ensure that your home is the ideal space for your family to thrive in. Some of these are easier than others to carry out, but they are all essential.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Why We Love Pop Tops Juice Drink!

Kids love fruit juices, as much as possible they 'd drink more of it than water. I was just like them when I was little. I can still recall how my dad would always remind me to drink lots of water every day. I don't know how or when it started but surprisingly, I am now a water person and just like how my dad I would always remind the kids about their water intake. Anyhow, we're not going to talk about water on this post but about fruit juices. Lol! Since the kids love it, as a mom it is my duty to provide them with not just the best tasting but the best there is for them.

Of course, nothing beats freshly squeezed fruit juices but seriously who has the time? Yes, we can have some of those once in a while but frequently and during time-crunched days, we opt for the ones that are readily available or ready to drink, right mommas?

We have tried a lot of fruit juice brands and we have our own personal favorites and one of the latest ones we've tried which also made it to our list is, Pop Tops- Australia's favorite juice drink!

From the bottle to the juice, Pop Tops is designed to entice the young ones with its taste and packaging.

Pop Tops was developed with health and safety in mind. It is not enough that each child is satisfied. They have to benefit from what they consume in the long run. Each drink they consume is an investment in their future health, and Pop Tops is the only kids' beverage that delivers this in a way that children will love.” says director Neil Vincent Ching.

So, what do we love about Pop Tops? It comes in a handy-lunch box sized 250ml serving perfect for little tot’s drinking needs and for moms to carry in our purse. With the right serving size, moms will have a peace of mind that their kids get the nutrients that they need in the amount they want. Its bottle has a child-friendly grip designed for little hands, and a smaller drinking spout to avoid spillage and mess. With a pop-top cap, the drinking is resealable! 

Pop Tops is made from real fruit juice, with 30 percent less sugar and less sodium, and has no artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners. On top of that, Pop Tops juices are made in Australia with the highest quality and safety standards that our children deserve. 

Apart from that, the colorful characters from the Pop Tops bunch, led by Alfi Apple and Oli Orange adds fun to our kid’s drinking experience!

Have you tried it yet? Let me know what you think!

Why should schools invest on Rubber Mulch

I personally support going the natural way of dealing with things, but it can change when the fun and safety of my kids are involved. We tell our kids how their teachers are like their second parents at school so why not make school a better and safer place for kids to consider it as their second home too?

Playground and parks normally have grass flooring which helps make the place children friendly but there are cases where natural grass areas become muddy and unsafe in wet conditions, thus; where Rubber Mulch comes in handy as it provides a natural looking flooring option which still protects kids from injuries when using play equipment.

A friendly place to get more information on what Rubber Mulch is and how to get it installed on outdoor playground, recreational areas at schools nurseries and even on parks can be easily found at Soft Surfaces.

What I love most about this ingenious idea is that they reused truck tires which also promotes the importance of reusing waste and turning it into something that helps people. You also won't need to do any ground works like removing trees. It can even be installed on mud and tarmac surfaces as it's particularly adaptable. A big +1 for being environment-friendly right?

There are no more worries when we see our kids fall down with the impact absorbing rubber mulch. We can simply let our kids be kids and let them pick themselves up whenever they fall down. A +1 on parenting for that part I must say.

Cost wise it's quite budget friendly and economical because their product comes in various colors and design which makes it flexible to work on your budget. You can easily get a quotation by visiting their website. Here's a sneak peak on how the installation is done: 

Children learn as they play. Most importantly in play, children learn how to learn.

Sunday, August 27, 2017


In the medical world, proper use of words is highly called for because a simple mistake could complicate things usually unwanted for the patients. Because this field has full of jargons that mostly are too technical to not easily be sifted and digested by the general public, putting them in a layman’s term is indeed helpful.

A good example of which are the words “side effect” and “main effect”. These, are more often than not, interchanged or used instead of the other. Doing so is not just wrong but also dangerous to the people’s health.

A side effect of any substance pertains to the result beyond the main or primary action that is intended by the physician giving drug prescription. The doctor, likewise, foresees this extra consequence.