Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Avoiding Home Makeover Horrors - Lessons To Swear By

Ever watched a home makeover TV show where the couple were devastated by the finished result? It happens in real life too. A disastrous home makeover can be difficult to bear, as well as expensive to put right. Want to make sure you avoid a home makeover horror? Take a look at some of these top tips for getting it right.
Photo: Pixabay

Don’t rush into things

There are some great reasons to give your home a makeover. Want to increase the value? Make the most of your available space? Give a room a lighter and airier feel? These are all good reasons to give your home a makeover. Want to know some bad reasons? Making changes because you’re bored or because you’ve seen something great online or on TV could put you in way over your head, and might even lead you to do something that could decrease the value of your home. Plan any changes to your home carefully and take your time to make sure that you get what you really want out of it.
Opt for classic styles rather than jumping on trends

Jumping on the latest trends is great for your fashion, but not so much for your home. If you rush out to try every trend that’s out there, you’ll be forever making changes to your home. Rather than giving your home a makeover to keep up with the latest trend, choose a classic interior style that will stand the test of time. Save your money and buy home accessories instead that suit the latest home trends - these are much cheaper to replace and can help you keep your home up to date easily.
Seek professional help

A home makeover is a great idea until someone gets hurt. Sure, home makeovers look easy on the TV, but in reality, they take a lot of work. Get the professionals like the team at Million Dollar Makeovers to carry out the work for you. This way you’ll get your dream results and can avoid injuries or poorly executed work to ensure you get exactly what you’re looking for.
Find ways to save on your costs

Home renovations can be expensive, with the cost soon adding up to stretch your finances way over your budget. Some home makeover ideas are cheaper than others, and you need to be sensible with your spending to stop it from becoming a nightmare. Work out how much you can afford and work backward from there - this will allow you to separate the tasks into ‘must-haves’ and ‘nice-to-haves’ so that you can prioritize the things that you want and save costs on the others.

Home makeovers are a great idea when done correctly. Plan it all out carefully so that you know exactly what you’re getting into, how much it will cost and how long it will take. The last thing you want is to have to abandon your project halfway through because you’ve run out of money or steam, so avoid these common home makeover mistakes and do what you can to achieve your ideal home.

Spare Room, Less Ordinary: Alternative Ways to Use the Space

When you have a house, you want all the different rooms to be used in the best way possible. If you have a spare room and you don’t just want to keep it as your standard bedroom as you rarely have guests to stay, there are plenty of better ways that you can use the space. Struggling for inspiration? You have come to the right place! 

Game Room

There is nothing like playing some games to take your mind off your stresses and worries so you could create a space where you have access to all your favorite activities. Perhaps you are a poker fan and you want to put in your own table. You may be more of a video game fanatic and choose to set up a TV, comfortable chair, and your favorite console. Otherwise, some classic arcade games may be more of your thing or perhaps a pool table. The range of options is endless! 

Home Office

With more and more people working from home or starting their own businesses, a home office is always going to be a great use of space. When you are undertaking a big conversion project, you may want to call in the professionals like The Renovation Company. The basics include a desk, chair, filing cabinet, and bookcase, but you will also want to lay the room out in a way that encourages work.

Home Theatre

A home theatre is something that the whole family can enjoy, giving you the opportunity to relax with your favorite TV shows and movies. All you will need is a few comfortable chairs and a big-screen television and you are pretty much good to go. Some pillows and blankets are also useful now that the nights are drawing in and the temperatures are dropping. The beauty of a home theatre is that is can be created in a room in which you don’t have a huge amount of space to work with.


For the health-conscious, creating a home gym is a very practical use of a spare room. To start off with, you may only need a few basic pieces of equipment like gym mats, dumbbells, and an exercise ball. Over time, you may decide to start accumulating bigger pieces of equipment. To create a real gym feeling, you could add a television in the corner of the room and a speaker system so you can enjoy your favorite tunes while working out.

Hobby Room

If you are a keen practicer of a hobby such as arts and craft or music, having your own room to practice and create is perfect for many people. A wooden floor is a good base as this is where paint and other materials are most likely to spill. You will also need plenty of storage space to keep your range of different equipment.

These are just a few of the most popular uses for a spare room, so why not try out one to make a real improvement to your home?

What Do Homebuyers Want?

When you are preparing to put your house on the market, there are probably a few changes you need to make to your home. These will ensure that it is an attractive property to all the house hunters who are looking to buy somewhere new. And then someone will snap it up quickly at your asking price. There’ll be no need to reduce your price or sit on a property that doesn’t sell for months or even years.

Some things that you should do to your home are quite obvious - for instance, you should ensure that the house is clean and tidy whenever anyone comes around to view the property. But there are some things that aren’t quite as obvious. Want to know what homebuyers want from a new home? Read on to find out!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Struggling To Get A Good Night's Sleep? Follow These Tips

A lot happens to our body while we’re sleeping, so it should be no surprise that a good night’s sleep is incredibly important for our overall health. Unfortunately, there are a lot of things that could affect how well you sleep; Stress, a new baby, a snoring partner, and too much light can all make getting quality sleep near impossible, and leave you tired and cranky the next day. If this sounds familiar, then follow some of the tips below to try to help you to sleep better.

Sort Your Sleeping Pattern

Your body runs on cycles, including a sleep/wake cycle; If your sleeping pattern is irregular, and you’re going to bed at different times every single night, then it’s no wonder that you can’t get to sleep. Set aside six to eight hours every night where you intend to sleep, and try to get to sleep at the same time every night, even weekends. If you’re struggling to sleep, then leave the room for a while, and try to sleep again when you’re tired. 

Avoid Naps

If you’re setting aside time to sleep at night, then you should try to limit the amount you sleep during the day. Everyone needs to have a nap now and then, but you should avoid making this a regular thing. If you do feel the need to nap, then be sure that it’s no longer than around 25 to 30 minutes. Any longer than this will affect your sleep at night. 

Stay Active During The Day

One of the biggest reasons why people can’t get to sleep at night is because they are still filled with energy and just aren’t tired. To avoid this, you should try to stay as active as possible during the daytime. You don’t necessarily need to be hitting up the gym and doing large amounts of exercise, even walking the dog around the block will burn off some energy and help you to sleep easier. 

Cut Out Light & Noise

If your partner snores or your neighbor's dog likes to howl at night, you are likely to struggle to get to sleep. If this is the case for you, then you might want to check out the earplug reviews here to find the best product to block out the noisiness. Light can also affect your sleep, as your brain assumes that, when there’s light, it’s daytime, and you should be awake. Investing in some blackout curtains or blinds will help with this. 

Lavender Your Life

Lavender is an incredibly relaxing and calming scent, which is why it’s often used to help you sleep. Try using a lavender scented spray on your pillow or a lavender scented body lotion to get you into a calm and relaxed state at bedtime. It really can work wonders.

It’s normal for you to have a sleepless night every now and then, but if you’re struggling to get to sleep every night, this is a problem. If this is the case for you, then you should consult your doctor to see if they can help.

Picking A Trusty Steed For Your Next Family Adventure

Once upon a time, the perfect getaway was leaping on the first plane out of your hometown and enjoying the vibrancy of some city you had never before considered; lazy mornings spent in bed and late nights spent at a plethora of restaurants and bars. But the moment you birth kids that all changes, and fit changes for the better because the moment you become a parent the family road trip becomes a rite of passage you simply cannot get enough of. 

Life is not about the destination, it’s about the journey, remember. That’s what you get from a road trip; you get the chance to bond and laugh and smile and sing and create memories that will stand the test of time. However, that all depends on one thing: your noble steed, or as we call it today, your car. 

Too cramped, uncomfortable or bored and your hopes of an adventure through the wilds of wherever becomes a nightmare you wished you had quashed at its inception because the whole thing will be a misery. 

Of course, no one goes out to purchase a new car simply because they enjoy a few road trips a year. That would be insane (albeit slightly cool). That said, if you are in the market for a new motor and you do get a thrill from hitting the tarmac with your significant lover, your kids and a boot full of tidbits, then you should absolutely consider the road trip worthiness of your choices. Luckily for you, we’ve done the legwork.