Thursday, October 12, 2017

Water A Lot Of Bathroom Bother!

Home renovations are pretty much the most exciting time for a homeowner. Being able to look around your home and make changes that suit you, your children and your lifestyle are simply exciting and if you have the time and money to do it – you should! For most people, home renovations only begin when something goes wrong, but if you wait for something to go wrong before you make some tidy upgrades or give a space a fresh lick of paint, you could be waiting for a long time.

When you have children, home renovations become a necessity and the kitchen and bathroom are often the first places to be looked into. These rooms often have more wear and tear than the rest of the house, as they are the ones used the most. Kitchens are to be upgraded every time your gas pipes and boiler need a replacement, as sometimes the piping is on the walls and you will need a fresh coat of paint. It’s exciting to choose the design of your new kitchen, but what about the bathroom?

Monday, October 9, 2017

5 Ways To Change Your Home With Color

Whether you’ve recently moved into a new place that needs a lot of work, or you find yourself wanting to spruce up the space you currently live in, your brain is probably running with all of the ideas you have. The renovation process can be quite tiring, so add to that a range of ideas that you’re not even sure will work, and it can get so much more complicated. But if there’s one thing that always works, it’s color. Color can really transform the look and feel of a space, and ensure that it gets an instant update. And here’s how you can do it.

Not Up To Scratch: Dealing With Bad Work From Tradespeople

Look through a guide online of how to carry out DIY repairs or maintenance to your home. Literally, any one of them. You will probably see instructions. There will be photos. Probably a few frequently asked questions answered.

Then there will be the addition along the lines of: “of course, if you’re not sure your DIY skills can handle this, ask a professional to do the work for you!” 

This line is often included as a disclaimer more than anything, but it’s something we tend to take to heart. The conclusion we draw is simple:

DIY = Potential for a bad job to be done. 
Professional = Work will be exemplary. 

Anyone who has ever had any work done will know that the above doesn’t always quite work out like that. Though one might hope that a professional builder, plumber, electrician, or whichever tradesperson you require can do a job better than you can, that’s not always the case. If you hire someone to do work and then realize they’re doing bad work, what can you do about it? 

Friday, October 6, 2017

5 Reasons to Teach Your Kids How to Code on Their Computer

Coding is a term used to describe the act of writing a computer program. Whether it’s an android game, an application on the internet or even a website, it’s all done with code. If you don’t understand the language it’s written in, then it’s incredibly difficult to understand how your favorite mobile apps were created from a few thousand lines of code. However, even if you personally don’t understand it, your kids might.

Coding is one of those skills that should be seen on the level of playing an instrument or taking up a creative art. It’s part creativity and part logic, which makes it one of the most enjoyable hobbies to have when your child grows up. It gives them a lot of freedom to make their own applications, and it opens up plenty of career opportunities in the future. If you want more convincing, then here are five reasons why it’s a good idea to teach your kids to code.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Peaceful Family Bedtimes With These Top Tips For Overcoming Night Time Phobias

Bedtime is stressful for any mother. It’s that part of the day we most want to get out of the way. In truth, while adults can think of nothing better than slipping between the sheets, children see sleeping as wasting time. As such, very few kids would willingly go up to their bedroom when the time comes. The good new is, there are many guides about how to get stubborn kids into bed, and a quick Google search will lead you straight to them.

But, sometimes, reluctance to go to bed is more than stubborn behavior. If your child develops a fear of the dark, going to sleep could become a major issue for them. And, if this happens, their health and happiness are at risk.

Many parents, when faced with this issue, either turn to night lights or utilize natural light with methods like those mentioned at These options can help your child get to sleep, and thus overcome the largest hurdle. But, these methods cover the issue, rather than curing it. And, if you want an easy night routine anytime soon, a cure is essential. Find one by following these steps. 

Understand their fear to help them overcome it

The first thing you need to do is understand the source of this nighttime fear. Without knowing that, there’s no way you can help to ease your kid’s anxieties. Take the time to sit down with them and ask what frightens them so much. It may be that they’re worried about burglars, or monsters. Or, they may have seen something scary on television which happened at night time. Any number of issues can cause fears like these, and each needs to be handled in slightly different ways. 

Ensure they feel safe

Once you know where the phobia stems, you can take action to help them feel safe. If burglars are their main fear, it’s worth installing a home alarm system like those mentioned on This is a good idea for family safety anyway, and letting your child see you set the alarm is sure to put their mind at ease. 

If monsters are their phobia, you could develop a routine to check the cost is clear before bed. This could involve checking in any hidey holes, such as cupboards, and under the bed. It may even be worth developing something like a ‘monster spray’ which your child can keep with them. A spray bottle with water in it will do the trick here.

Bunk them with their siblings

If issues persist, it’s time to take more drastic action. It might even be worth moving your children into the same room so they can offer each other comfort. Though there’s now a focus on each child having a separate room, this is a new concept, which many are already questioning. As you can find from this article on, there are actually many benefits to kids sharing. And, curing that phobia could very well be one of them.