Thursday, July 20, 2017

Conservatory Conversion: How To Create The Playroom You've Always Wanted

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that we could use more space in our homes. This is especially true when you have kids. There are toys everywhere and no space left where you can just relax. You can’t even sit on the sofa for mess a lot of the time. If only you could take control of your house by relegating those toys to a playroom. But, who has the room? Space is tight as it is, and there’s no chance of moving anytime soon.

Which US State Should You Visit Next?

When you want to go traveling, one thing you usually want is variety. Even if you only have one destination in mind, you probably want to get as many different experiences in that place as you possibly can. The world is full of fascinating and unique destination spots, and choosing your next is always something of a mission. But there are certain countries which really do offer it all, and the US has to be one of them. Being as it is spread over such a huge range of space, with so many different kinds of places to visit, the US can pretty much provide it all to whoever wishes to go. But which states are likely to provide you with the best traveling experience? Let’s take a look at some of the top choices for travelers now.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

A Quieter Life - Learning To Cope With Hearing Loss

Even minor chronic conditions and changes in health can require a transformation in your lifestyle. So, it’s no surprise that a lot of people who go through hearing loss, whether partial or complete, face some big changes. Thankfully, there’s a lot of information, support, and assistance on how to make the transition into a life better suited for you. Here are a few bits of wisdom shared on learning to accommodate hearing loss.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Cheers: All The Napkin You Need Everyday!

They say that first-time moms are very meticulous. And, I couldn't agree more! I became one when I became a first-time mom myself. I'm very particular about details and you'd always see me cleaning up every now and then. I became even more so when I became a stay at home full-time mom. However, things changed when I started to work again. Sad to say but, I spend less time at home and less time with my kids. That's why whenever it's my rest day, as much as possible, I see to it that I stay home to do some cleaning and spend quality time with the kids. And for this, I've found an ally in products that make everyday life easier for on the go moms like me. 

Let me share with you some of our most used items at home right now, Kitchen and Paper Towels from Cheers! 

  • Cheers Kitchen Towel Roll: Jumbo Solo 80 pulls
  • Cheers Table Napkins: Flat Napkins – 100 sheets
  • Cheers Interfolded Paper Towels: Pull Paper Towels – 2 Ply 150 sheets
  • Cheers Table Napkins: Folded Party Napkins – 50 sheets
  • Cheers Table Napkins: Pull Napkins – 2 Ply 200 sheets

Aside from Napkins, Cheers has other party or get-together needs such as starch-based cutleries and trash bags.
  • Cheers Cutlery: 12 Spoons and 12 Forks
  • Cheers Trash Bags Large: 10 pieces 
Cheers is a brand of quality hygienic napkins, kitchen, and paper towels. It comes in a range of napkin configurations, that are useful for all types of everyday needs and occasions, thus avoiding paper wastage. It also comes in different print designs that are colorful and festive!

Having little kids means a messy house. Just imagine, toys scattered all over the house, food crumbs, and spills. I find Cheers Napkins very useful in managing their messes. 

Cheers Folded Party Napkins comes with a box container and is available in 50 sheets with 2 different print designs inside. This makes things extra special for the kids.

Mealtime gets pretty messy with this little cutie. Instead of using cloth bibs or handkerchief and worry about washing it after being stained, I use Cheers. I use either the Cheers  Flat Napkins or the Cheers Folder Party Napkins. I just tuck it in their shirts or place it on their laps to catch the spills then throw it away afterward. 

I also use the Cheers Folded Party Table Napkins to wrap the kids, baon for school then they use it to wipe their mouth after eating. Kids are really fond of the prints!

Cheers Table Napkins: Flat Napkins – 100 sheets
Cheers Kitchen Towel Roll: Jumbo Solo 80 pulls
The Cheers Flat Napkins and Towel Roll could also be used for wrapping their baon or as bibs. I also use them for draining excess oil from fried foods, drying my hands and the dishes, and wiping off surfaces.

Cheers Pull Napkins are always readily available in the dining area for minor spillage. I also place some of it in the kids' lunch bags so they can use it to wipe off their mouth after eating instead of using their handkerchief. Jaear and I also do the same.

The Cheers cutlery is also very useful especially in times when I am too lazy to wash the dishes. Let's admit it, mommies, we all have lazy days haha! Cheers cutleries are eco-friendly and biodegradable thus it's very safe to use. It's also oil resistant and heat resistant up to 110°C. 

Cheers indeed have all the napkins I need every day. It makes my life easier as it offers quick fixes on some of my kitchen dilemmas. Above it all, what I like about Cheers is that it has 100% Virgin Pulp that is made for every possible tissue/napkin. It contains no artificial whiteners and elemental chlorine which makes it truly hygienic. The print designs use food grade water soluble ink so it's totally safe to use!

As a mom, I totally recommend Cheers! Make sure to check it out, it's available in leading groceries nationwide.

You may also follow Cheers Facebook Page for more information and updates.

Driving Test Success: Overcoming Nerves and Anxiety

Even the most cool, calm and collected person can buckle under the pressure when it comes to their driving test. It’s not a particularly nice experience for anyone, and after months (sometimes years!) of practice, it all comes down to a short period of time in the car with the examiner. While a little bit of nerves can be helpful, as heightened adrenaline can help you perform better, the dry mouth, sweaty palms, knotted stomach and racing thoughts aren’t going to be doing you too many favors. If you suffer from anxiety disorders and feel this way a lot of the time for no apparent reason, it’s important to go and speak to your GP so you can get the right treatment. But if you’re feeling this way in response to stress such as your driving test, here are a few ways we can overcome the situation. 

Practice Grounding Techniques

When you feel like your thoughts are racing ahead, grounding techniques can help to bring your focus back to the current moment. This can help to promote feelings of calmness. When there’s something stressful like a driving test on the horizon, it’s easy to get caught up in your own thoughts. Anticipation, stress and worry can quickly spiral out of control, you might find yourself thinking ‘I can’t do it’ or even thinking of ways that you can get away from the situation. You might start thinking the worst or picturing failure in your mind. If you just focus on bringing your thoughts to the here and now, it can help to calm the physical symptoms of anxiety. You will maintain a much better state of mind, and can go into the test feeling more relaxed and more confident. Meditation works well as a grounding technique, you could also ask yourself questions such as ‘where am I’ or ‘what is the date?’. You could focus on your breathing, or name things in the room you can see around you. It’s very simple but really does work. 

Practice Positive Thinking

Our state of mind really is everything. If you feel happy and positive about life, you’ll find you will come across more opportunities. If you feel down and are always looking for the worst (you may be doing this subconsciously without realizing) chances are you will find the worst. The difference between an opportunity and a challenge is just the way you look at a situation. Being more positive can help put you in the best state of mind, and if you do happen to fail, you will bounce back more quickly. Practice visualising success. Tell yourself ‘I can do it’- find a mantra or positive quote that resonates with you and repeat it daily. When negative thoughts creep in, do your best to push them away and focus on the positive. 

Use a Herbal Remedy

Products such as Kalms and Rescue Remedy are safe herbal remedies which can be bought over the counter, and can help promote relaxation and calm. Herbs such as lavender have also been shown to be effective. You could drop some essential oils into your bath in the week leading up to the test, or make up a pillow spray and use it to help you drift off to sleep. While herbal remedies alone won’t completely stop your anxiety, coupled with positive thinking and other techniques to change your thinking they can be very effective. 

Get Enough Food and Sleep

Anxiety can really do a number on your body. It can lead to sleeplessness, and let’s face it- everything always feels worse when you’re exhausted. Feelings of nausea might mean you don’t want to eat, and without the right sustenance, you will never be performing at your best potential. Practising the above techniques will help you to reduce your levels of stress so you can eat and sleep well. The morning before your test, have a healthy breakfast that will fuel your body and brain, and help to set you up for success. 

Remind Yourself That It’s Not The End of the World

Finally, the great thing about driving tests is if you fail you can just come back and try again. Be sure to remind yourself of this when you’re having a major panic! It’s not a life or death situation, no one is going to die if you fail and nothing bad is going to happen. It’s not like school exams where you have to worry about your future. If you pass right away, that’s fantastic! If you don’t, pick yourself up and go again. Failure feels awful at the time, but actually, it can make you all the more determined and also more grateful when you finally do get your licence. There’s always a lesson to be learned in failure so use it as experience and you’ll know where to do better next time.