Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Getting Back To Normal: How Can You Feel Safe After A Break-In?

There is no doubt that a break-in is by far one of the most horrible and traumatic things that you and your family could possibly go through. It's the kind of thing that can have some seriously long lasting effects on you and your kids. Sure, there's the initial horror of realizing that valuable things have been taken, but things can be replaced. What tends to have the strongest impact of all is the feeling of discomfort and fear that comes from knowing that someone else was able to invade your most private and personal space without you ever knowing. Your home is meant to be your sanctuary. It's the place where you feel the safest and most secure in the world. So when that safety and security is violated, it's pretty understandable that many people find it incredibly difficult to deal with. However, you can't spend your life living in fear, especially when you have a family. Because of that, here are some things that you can do to help you and your family feel safe again after a break in.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Doing Away With Digestive Problems

The likes of constipation and diarrhea affect us all. Such digestive problems can disrupt our day to day life either by causing pain or discomfort or keeping us glued to the toilet seat. Fortunately, there are many remedies to get your gut back in good shape. Here are a few methods to try out next time your bowels decide to bother you.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Keep Your Home Cool During Summer without AC

During the summertime everybody wants to feel and revel in the heat that the sun provides… but not all the time. Everybody wants to get their fix of Vitamin D and give their tan a little bit of a top up… but not the whole summer long. As much as we may love it when the sun appears for the year, we do need a break from it from time to time. But where’s the best place to get this break? Where’s the best place to seek shelter from the sun? The answer is, our homes. And because our homes offer us the best protection from the heat of the sun outside, we don’t want to feel stifled and too hot within them. If your home is your shelter from the sun make sure to read on to find out how you can keep it cool the whole summer long… without having to rack up your electricity bill by using air conditioning.

The first thing you should do in this venture is target your windows. Specifically, you should target the 30 percent of unwanted heat in your home that they let in. Yes, your windows are one of the biggest contributors of heat in your home; so, you need to target them. And the first thing you should do when targeting them in this fashion is to invest in a good pair of blinds, and keep them closed. By utilising shades, curtains and blinds in this way you can find that the indoor temperature you have to contend with is lowered by up to 20 degrees. So, if you don’t want your home to feel like a greenhouse, keep those windows covered!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


School days is upon us! Got a back-to-school picky eater? Let these nutritionist-dietitian approved lunch-box recipes inspire you to cook something deliciously hearty, homemade and healthy. With this Wheatgrass Easy Pha-max infused recipes that help to cleanse, alkalize, and nourish the body, your kids are guaranteed to enjoy highly nutritious school meals. Contains carbohydrates, proteins, fatty acids, 17 amino acids, 12 vitamins, 10 minerals, more than 100 types of enzymes, chlorophyll and phytochemicals, Easy Pha-max Wheatgrass will also help to fuel your little one’s mind and provide energy throughout the school season. So skip the processed food, opt for wholesome homemade options with these easy-to- make recipes that you, your kids, and the whole family will love!

Tips to Ensure Kids Stay Cool!

There are plenty of places in this world where the summer heat and humidity can get a little uncomfortable, the Philippines being one of them. But as adults we know to go get a cold drink, take a shower, or even rest for a while. Unfortunately, kids don't always know what to do when the temperature rises. That is why you have to guide them and put things in place that will help. So to ensure you kids stay cool, no matter what the weather, read on for some advice. 

Cold drinks

The easiest way to keep the kids as cool as possible it to always ensure you have plenty of cold drinks to hand. This means keeping the fridge stocked at home as well as having some available when you are an out and about.