Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Control The Parental Urge To Splurge

As parents, we want our kids to have the best possible. If there’s a problem, we want to be able to turn to our trusty kit and have a solution to hand. For every ailment, every cut, every scrape, everything we can possibly conceive of - we want to be the mom who already has the solution before the problem even arises.

This is all well and good, and all part of the protective instinct that goes hand-in-hand with parenthood. However, there is a catch, and it’s generally found in your family finances. You might want to have the solution to everything, but that doesn’t mean you have all the available funds to do so. And there is some argument that trying to preempt every bad situation isn’t going to work anyway - you just know the rules of the universe won’t allow that to happen! 

So the first way your expenses can rack up as a parent is with the protective need. The second is somewhat less necessary, but it doesn’t stop the desire. Let’s admit it: baby and toddler clothes are cute. They’re adorable in and of themselves, as perfect little replica-of-adulthood garments, and they’re even cuter when on your child. With babies particularly growing so quickly, there’s a never-ending excuse for a parade of fashionable items and the desire for a new outfit every day. No, it’s not sensible, but when have wonderful things ever been sensible? 

Alternative Ways to Treat Chronic Pain

While medicine these days is fantastic, there are still lots of things that it can’t help with. People can have chronic pain which doctors simply can’t get to the bottom of, and when standard painkillers don't help (and are damaging to the body) what comes next? Thankfully there are plenty of safe, alternative methods you can try which have been shown to be extremely helpful to some people. Whether you want to come off painkillers, lower your dose or supplement them, here are a few treatments you could consider.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Baby Nutrition Made Easy

Feeding a baby isn’t as simple as feeding a toddler or a child. Since they’re in very early stages of development, it’s critical that you feed your baby the right nutrients and minerals to see them grow healthily. There are many different things you need to know, and this guide will go through most of the basics on baby nutrition. You might think that you can just feed your child the baby food that you find on shelves at a supermarket and you’d be somewhat right, but your child deserves better.

Important Note About Diets

Let’s make this clear first; do not feed your baby based on a diet that you personally follow. If you are vegan, don’t feed your child purely vegan food to follow in your footsteps. There’s an article on that reports about a baby that was fed a strict vegan diet because of his parents. The doctors found the baby was severely malnourished and his calcium and iron levels were very low. The baby was eventually removed from the parents and he is now recovering from his ordeal.

Simple Home Maintenance Tips and Tricks

Image Source: Pixabay

When it comes to home maintenance, it’s important to stay one step ahead. Have a repairs checklist handy in your home, so you can easily spot when you need to make fixes or call in the experts.


Ever heard of the phrase “Let your hair down”? It's actually an idiom which means, allow yourself to behave much more freely than usual and enjoy yourself. It is mostly advised to us at times when people sees us too stressed out either at work or going through our personal lives,

To give us much more reason to be carefree, we must be confident on how we look and feel. Take time to take care of your appearance and take extra attention to your hair. Hair is considered as our crowning glory, hence, it is pertinent that we start with it. Here are a few tips in maintaining a healthy hair.
  • Observe good hygiene all the time – regularly wash your hair to remove dirt and grimes.
  • Be extra careful whenever combing your wet hair – your hair is vulnerable to breakage during this period.
  • Use towel to dry off your hair after shower – Using hair dryer can cause damage to your hair; if you must use the heat then do so sparingly.
  • Eat the proper nutrition- Our hair is also dependent on what we eat. Iron-rich food and protein strengthens your hair.
  • Have enough sleep – Lack of sleep can cause hair loss. Sleeping allows our hair to repair and regenerate. Changes in our sleeping patterns have shown to affect our body’s immune and hormone function, as well as our physical and mental stamina. Our hair is very sensitive to these changes within the body.
  • Pamper your hair - Give your hair a proper massage with the nutrients it needs

Novuhair, nature’s answer to hair loss is made of 19 Natural ingredients which includes herbal components such as moringaoleifera, panax ginseng, virgin coconut oil and the natural essences of rosemary and peppermint. 

Novuhair nourishes the scalp and hair by increasing the flow of nutrients and improving blood circulation to the scalp. Novuhair also helps hydrate the scalp, maintain the hair’s natural luster and prevent early hair graying, hair dryness and itching. #LoveYourHairwithNovuhair

Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion, Shampoo and Conditioner are available in all Mercury Drug Stores and other leading drug stores nationwide. For more information visit, like the brand’s official Facebook Page at Novuhair Official, follow it on Twitter at @NovuhairNatural and on Instagram @novuhairofficial. You may also call the Novuhair hotlines at 4136570 and 09228830575 and order online at Lazada and