Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Sweet Home Panorama

This post is actually a guide to modern home improvements. More specifically, it’s about how changing your view on the property can encourage you to get more out of it. Both as a family home, and as a financial investment.

Let’s face it; a happy home that offers great resale potential is a dream shared by all homeowners. Focus on these aspects below, and you’ll be set to enjoy the best of both worlds.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Fall In Love with Tupperware Brands' Limited Edition Hello Kitty Collection

When I found out that Tupperware Brands Philippines is having a Hello Kitty Collection, Athena, Brianna and I got soo excited. So just imagine the happiness we felt last Valentine's Day when we received a huge box containing all their limited edition Hello Kitty Collection! 

The temptation of opening the box was almost hard to bare, Athena and Brianna wanted to open it right away but we patiently waited until Saturday (my rest day) before we finally unboxed it!

The Hello Kitty Collection is included in Tupperware Brands' Mid-Month Special for February so it's available from February 16 until February 28, 2017, only.  

Alright, so let's see the items included in this limited edition collection! 

Warning: Too much cuteness. You'll surely fall in love with all of it.

What’s in the Perfect Cup of Coffee?

Let’s talk coffee. Do you like yours from Starbucks, are you hooked on instant, or do you love to chug gas station coffee? Whatever your preferences, there’s nothing quite like sipping on a perfect cup of coffee to start your day. If you don’t go to bed and wake up looking forward to a fresh brew, then you don’t know what it’s like to have a perfect, or close-to-perfect cup of coffee. So what goes into making the perfect coffee? 

Here are a couple of tips, pointers, and tricks you can use to make the perfect coffee. 

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Tips For Those DIY'ing To Improve Their Home

DIY is either a relaxing weekend activity or a stressful work project depending on how you approach the whole ordeal. If it’s your first time getting stuck in with renovation work on your home, the prospect of it all can seem quite daunting; this is your house, and you don’t want to mess up. Of course, you might be getting a little bit ahead of yourself and thinking about what the overall task will demand of you. The best way to approach a new build, whether you’re doing work on a minor or a major scale, is to take a deep breath and think about the process step by step. Here are some tips for getting started with improving your home by hand.

Ditch the Dull: Making Tasks You Don't Like More Manageable

Photo sourced from Pixabay
We all have things we don't like to do but that need to be done. It could be doing the laundry or driving to the store. Sometimes, you can get someone else to do it, so long as you do something they don't like. But you often just have to suck it up and get it done, especially if it's a pressing matter. Still, having to suffer through something you don't like can be a drag. You would rather not have to do it at all, but since you do have to do it, you might as well try to make it less awful. So what can you do to help you deal with it?