Thursday, January 19, 2017

Life's A Beach, And Then You Fly! Pre-Summer Tips for Busy Moms

Summer is coming and it's possibly one of the most exciting holiday of the year for a family. It gives the kids a chance to explore new places and beaches and it gives the parents some quality time together away from the rat race. The one thing that comes with a holiday is a plethora of lists! Lists for what to pack for carry on, lists for what to pack in the hold, lists for what to bring for a baby should you have one… there’s even lists before you even go away of things you need to buy. For most of us moms, lists are exciting! When you’re getting ready to go on holiday with the kids, there are a few things you need to remember to do before you go and one of those is sorting out the house.

If you’re a lover of lists, you won’t mind reading through just one more and this one isn’t just about the tips you need when you take the kids abroad on holiday. It’s for moms who would lose their heads if they weren’t screwed on. It’s for moms who need just one more checklist to feel like they’ve done it all for this long-awaited family holiday!

1. Cleaning the house from top to bottom seems to be a habit for most families, as you then don’t have to come back to piles of washing, hoovering or dusting to do. Even the little jobs you don’t think to do should get done now. Roll up those sleeves and leave the house sparkling!

2. If you don’t live close by to family, scheduling a food shop to be delivered the evening you return to the house is also a great idea. No need to dash out to the nearest supermarket for the essentials.

3. Security is key when you’re going away. Checking out alarm reviews of Vivint home security can mean you have your peace of mind while you’re enjoying your holiday.

4. Adding to that, even if you don’t have a house alarm on the house yet, think about security lights. Timed lights to come on at certain times of the day can make outsiders think your home is occupied and deter thieves.

5. Ask a friend or neighbour to check on the house if you’re going away for more than ten days.

6. Have any pets sorted into a shelter or have a friend take care of them before you go.

7. Sort out your tickets and passports for every family member and make sure you have all your travel documents in the right order for your journey.

Your home is your castle and if you make sure you have the gates up and the alarms on before you go, your holiday can be epic. If you know the place you are leaving is secure and in tip-top shape, you can truly stretch out and relax on that sandy beach far away. Now go, before everyone reading this is even more jealous of your travels!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

14 Ways To Save Time, Do More And Love Your Life

Time is precious, and it’s often scarce. Busy moms are accustomed to juggling work and home, and keeping everything running smoothly. But at what cost? We work hard all day, collapse into a tired heap at night, only to get up and do it all again the next day. Break the cycle with these smart tips to cut the jobs you hate and spend more time doing what you love.

1. Organize And Prioritize

Make a list of all the tasks you complete in a day. Include everything, even the small things like opening post, taking out the garbage, waiting for deliveries, etc. Highlight the tasks that are the most important and get rid of anything that isn’t important. A good way to determine whether a task is important or not is to work out what you’ll be doing five years from now and whether this will make a difference. You’ll be surprised at the things you can ditch. 

2. Optimize Your Productivity

Optimize what you can do in a day by keeping healthy. Eat well, drink enough water, exercise, and get enough sleep each night. If these four things are out of balance, it’s likely you’re feeling tired and sluggish, making any tasks take longer.

3. Invest In The Right Tools

Don’t skimp on your household tools. When you purchase a vacuum cleaner, you’re buying more than just a machine. If you choose well and purchase an efficient model, you’re buying time. Even if you save just ten minutes each time you vacuum, over the course of a year this could amount to around twenty-six hours; more than a day. The same is true of cleaning products. Opt for efficient natural products that cut through grease and grime and are safe for the whole family. Sites like have a good range. 

4. The 2-Minute Rule

If a task takes two minutes or less, do it there and then. This is relevant for home and work situations. For example, dashing off a quick email or opening and filing the post. If you put it off until later, you’ll have to make a note of it, remember it, and then complete it, which is likely to take 5 minutes or more. So do those tiny tasks now, get them out of the way, and save yourself some time. 

5. Keep A To-Do List

Keep a running to-do list for work and home. Keep it up-to-date and cross items off as you go. This will help clear your mind and ensure things are not forgotten. 

6. Meditate

If you don’t do this already, it looks like we’re adding things to list rather than taking them away. However, meditating each day is great for productivity. It promotes a calm, peaceful mind and helps with focus and clarity. Therefore, it helps boost productivity and helps your overall well-being at the same time. Even ten minutes a day will produce results. Sites like demonstrate simple techniques. 

7. Cut Your Apps And Tools

In a digitized world, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea that new apps will get the job done quicker. This might be true, but if you have too many of them, you’ll spend more time accessing and managing them. Cut your online tools and apps down to a minimum and only use what is useful and saves you time. 

8. Turn Your Phone Off

How many times do you access your phone each day to check email, texts, social media, WhatsApp, etc.? If you had a running total, you would be horrified at the minutes (or longer) you waste each day. The best way to deal with this is to unplug completely, even if it’s just for half an hour a day. 

9. Focus

When working on a task, whether at home or work, give it your undivided attention. Get rid of distractions such as your phone, social media feeds, and email. Work only on your current project. You’ll be surprised how much quicker you work without the distractions. 

10. Time Yourself

For all those jobs you hate, such as accounts, cleaning, etc. set yourself a specific amount of time to work on it. It could be as little as ten minutes. Pretty much any task is palatable when you only have to work at it for a short period of time. Using this method you can chip away at larger projects bit by bit. And what often happens is that you spend more than the allocated amount of time as you get into a flow. 

11. Schedule Emails

There’s a temptation to read and action emails as soon as they come in, regardless of what else you’re doing at the time. This is counterproductive and will make you lose your focus. It also wastes time if you’re constantly checking and reading. Schedule times each day when you check emails and switch off your inbox for the rest of the time. Unless it’s a necessary part of your job, don’t check emails at all in the evening. Establish a cut-off point and stick to it. There’s no point in mulling over messages that you have no intention of replying to until the next day. It only results in keeping your mind on work and can contribute to stress. 

12. Say No More Often

If you’re the person everyone comes to when they have a problem or need something doing, start saying no. This doesn’t mean you can’t be helpful and caring. It just means that you’re putting your own oxygen mask on first. Establishing healthy barriers will help you focus on your own work, without taking on additional tasks. It’s not easy to do this in the beginning, but it does get easier. 

13. Delegate

You don’t have to do everything yourself. Getting other people to help will boost productivity. This doesn’t just apply to the office; it applies to your home life too. Get the kids to put away their own toys and give them responsibility for certain tasks. 

14. Save Time In The Kitchen

There are lots of ways you can save time spent in the kitchen. Cut cooking times by making twice as much and freezing half of it. It may initially take a little longer to chop and bake, etc. but the next time you serve this meal, all you will have to do is defrost it and heat it up. 

And with all this time saved, it will create more time to spend with the people you love, doing the things you enjoy.

Tips on How To Deal With A Sick Child

Being a parent, we do everything it takes to keep our children healthy. We provide them with the best vitamins, feed them with nutritious food and a lot more. But there comes a point when we can't avoid sickness. And, dealing with a poorly child is one of the most difficult things about being a parent. It is important that we stay calm and focused so that you don't distress them, but having a sick child in itself can be pretty stressful for us too. You will probably have to take some time off work and depending on the illness, your child might have to go on medication. Being sick can be a traumatic experience for a child, especially if they haven't experienced it before. Many children experience bouts of illness as babies, but obviously, they don't remember it. Plus, as parents, we tend to misdiagnose our children with various ailments when they are babies and unable to speak to us, simply because we are paranoid that something is wrong. When they get older, this paranoia tends to die, as they are able to converse with us about when they are feeling sick. But nonetheless, it can still be a difficult time in the whole family's life when your child is unwell. If you suspect that something is wrong, here are the steps you need to take.

Determine whether it is an emergency

There are specific conditions and diseases that do only affect children, as opposed to adults. But for the most part, these are harmless - things like chicken pox, for example. Providing your child has had all their vaccinations, there is no reason why they should contract anything life-threatening. However, if your child is showing unusual symptoms or is in great pain, you may need to consider whether or not emergency care is needed. Try to avoid the internet at all costs - it will only give you a skewed diagnosis. If it is late and there is no way you can get to a regular doctor, you might want to give after hours pediatrics a try. 

Follow any treatment to the letter 

After a visit to the pediatrician, your child will probably be prescribed a course of antibiotics, or at the very least some steps to take in order to help them get better. The latter could be if they have food poisoning, for example, and they have been instructed to drink a lot of water to help them hydrate again. If they have been prescribed tablets or a cream, it is your job to make sure they take them/apply them correctly. If your child experiences any negative side effects from their treatment, go back to your doctor immediately. 

Take good care of them 

When your child is poorly, they are likely to feel pretty miserable. Keeping their spirits up is an integral part of their recovery and getting them back on their feet and back to school should be your priority. Make sure they are still eating well; you can allow them a treat or two to make them feel better, of course. But for the most part, make sure they are still eating nutritious, home cooked meals. This will build up their immune system and help them to fight the illness much quicker.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Classy Options for Every Type of Connoisseur from the Finest Wines of Chile, Concha Y Toro

Christmas and New Year's eve are already over but the festivities ain't over yet as we are anticipating the coming of the Chinese New Year. Even though we are Filipinos we also get to celebrate Chinese New Year as we have friends or even relatives who are Chinese. And, Chinese New Year, is all about movable feasts, so why not upgrade your celebration with an exquisite food and wine pairing from the powerful wine Concha Y Toro. A Chilean origin most-admired for its consistent quality across its wide range of variety and styles. Here are some of its top-notch selections that goes perfectly with your favorite Filipino food.

1. Frontera

Laid-back, simple, and a palate-pleaser, Frontera is the ultimate drink for life’s everyday events. If partial with a fruit-forward taste with chocolatey aroma, Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon is considered as a favorite elixir, while its sweet and light counterpart Muscato is ideal for enjoyment any time of the day. Much more, it’s the perfect pick to for those who would like to venture into great wines, given its very hip and harmonious flavors. 

2. Casillero Del Diablo

If on the lookout for the finest name with value-for-money prices, Casillero del Diablo is a lip-smacking favorite. While any of its twelve varieties will be an outstanding choice, the Pinot Noir’s oaky and chocolatey taste is a consistent must-try and Merlot’s delicious contradiction for its smooth and fruity character is also worth the adventure. Deep, dark, and delicious range of wines that livens up any party with its bracingly playful varieties; Casillero Del Diablo is the perfect companion with equally adventurous friends who are all about fun and enjoyment. 

3. Marques de Casa Concha

Featuring a classic and classy case of time-honored wine process, Marques de Casa Concha is known for its traditional vineyards and its rich origin. Known for its Carmenere that possesses pronounced flavors of plums, black currants, and dark chocolate, its delicate and diverse character is fitting for a connoisseur who seeks out the best expression and taste of grapes, signed and sealed by the respected wine maker Marcelo de Papa. 

4. Don Melchor

The iconic name that boasts tremendous quality and credibility, Don Melchor continues to reap awards and recognition by wine experts – such as the 2012 Vintage garnering 96 points by, 93 points by Robert Parker’s wine advocate, and 17+ by Jancis Robinson. Much more, it’s carefully and sophisticatedly segmented vineyard creates the most-coveted balanced flavor of Cabernet Sauvignon, with red wine grapes grown and harvested at the majestic foot of the Andes Mountains. The choicest pick of the elite and discerning, every sip is guaranteed to bring out pleasure and satisfaction for epic occasions!

Concha Y Toro Wines are available in leading supermarkets, and groceries nationwide. For more updates, visit and like its official Facebook fan page:

Jump Start Your Bridal Beauty Regime

Getting proposed to by the love of your life is one of the most exciting event in a woman's life. After the proposal, the wedding day comes next so if you’re engaged, it means that it’s high time to step up your beauty regime. You want to look stunning on your big day, but there’s plenty of preparation to be done beforehand. Here’s what to do to look your best. 

Schedule Weekly Manicures

As soon as you announced you were getting engaged, everybody wanted to see your ring. All of a sudden, everybody was looking at your hands. As a result, it’s important to keep those nails and cuticles in tip-top condition. You can experiment with different colors, including mauves and pinks. And you can spend time making sure your nail bed is in good condition, and that your hands and nails balance, giving an elegant look. 

If you really want to splash out, you can now get gel manicures that use ultraviolet technology for a harder, smoother finish. They’re pricier, but totally worth it. 

Manicures work best when they are paired with beautiful rings, like Tacori wedding rings. Everyone will want to have a look on your big day. 

Have Your Teeth Whitened

You’re going to be smiling a lot on your wedding day, not only because it will be a happy day but also because of all those photographs. As a result, your teeth need to look their best. Nothing is worse than smiling for your wedding photos and then finding out that your beautiful smile has been ruined by coffee stains. 

A good first line of defense is whitening toothpaste. Most toothpastes have whitening ingredients in them, and the results usually show up after a couple of weeks. If you do not see results, the next step up is so-called whitening strips. You put these on your teeth for a faster, more intense action. 

You can also get your teeth professionally whitened, but it’s worth being careful. According to Sonia Kashuk, a dental expert, going too white can make your teeth look artificial and actually ruin photographs. She also says that too much whitening can wear down your enamel. 

Focus On Your Lips

Mally Roncal is a makeup artist. She says that it’s a good idea to rub a thick coat of lip balm or Vaseline on your lips at right. Then, she says, run a washcloth over them in a circular motion. This, she says, will exfoliate and soften them at the same time. On your wedding day, a matte lipstick will look classic, but there’s a risk that it might not hold and will crack. Mally suggests that women put a gloss over their lipstick to iron out imperfections. 

If you really want to go all out, you can go to a salon that offers special lip treatments. These treatments focus on exfoliation and moisturizing. 

Get Your Brows Shaped

If you’re used to tweezing at home, you know that looking after your brows can be difficult. Going to a salon can be good because they’ll usually provide you with information about the best brow shape for your face. Some women choose to wax, while others choose to thread for a more precise finish. According to The Knot, women should start appointments six months out from the big day.