Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Cyber Connection Every Parent Should Have With Their Children

Things had changed since the 1990´s when video games were just beginning to come out onto the mainstream technology scene. As parents, it's our job to make sure no matter what avenues our children verge down, we keep up with their interests. Parenting itself is a hard enough challenge without not having a bond with your kids that goes beyond dropping them off and picking them up from school. Learning about what’s new in the gaming industry isn’t difficult at all, in fact quite the opposite. You may not know this, but video gaming is a larger industry than Hollywood, regularly pulling in trillions of dollars in annual revenue. The plethora of titles, brands, franchises, companies and media channels serves any needs and answers any questions you might have. Rather than aiming blindly, it's wise to keep track of the hottest trends right now which will help bring you closer to your children’s hobby. 

VR explosion

Virtual reality is also known as just VR in the gaming world, has exploded onto the scene. This technology is simple to use, but complex in its logistical applications. The basic premise is putting on a cyclops screen around your head, whereupon the user is then made to feel as if they’re experiencing another world when playing games. Sounds simple enough, but at the moment this kind of tech is only worth getting for PC gaming. The styles you can explore are aeroplanes focused such as War Thunder and Pilot Flight Simulation. Controls are done via two handheld joysticks which are wirelessly connected to your WiFi router. 

Gaming news 

You never know but keeping up with the daily gaming chatter could do wonders for your relationship with your children. Usually, young children will only confide in their friends who have similar tastes but if you invited into their inner circle as well. Gaming news websites such as have the latest news on different categories and delve deeper into the top trends that most likely any teenager and or growing child will know about. The online publication features articles presenting the latest news for console lovers too; such as the big three brands of Sony’s Playstation 4, Xbox and Nintendo. The titles that are a hot topic get great coverage so you’ll never be out of the loop and always have something to connect with your children with. 

Gaming icons on YouTube

The era of the gaming influencers has well and truly arrived as at one point completely strangers who loved video games and shared their experiences online, have become megastars. Sitting down and watching YouTube videos of your children’s favorite players of their favorite game is just as the same as watching Netflix; except it's free. Notable gaming icons online are PewDiePie, JackFrags and FrankieOnPC1080p. However most of the time you’ll be able to find the top trending videos for gaming on the trending page itself.

Being a part of a subculture that the younger generation love and enjoy allows you to get involved with the growing up of your children. Playing video games with your mother or father is an experience no child or teenager forgets when they grow up. 

A Healthy Lifestyle Is A Good Lifestyle

We can all admit that it is really hard to try and live a healthy lifestyle. Junk food is just sooo appealing. It looks good, it tastes good, it’s quick, it’s cheap… we don’t carry on listing the benefits or we’ll be here all day and this article will seem pointless. But, the point I am actually trying to make is, it is made quick for a reason, it is cheap for a reason. It is all processes, and it is all filled with chemicals that simply aren’t meant to be in our bodies. But why do we keep shoveling them into our mouths? Well, it is a mixture of social media influence, money being tight, and marketing methods that draw you in. Eating all this rubbish food, however, is only doing damage to your body, both on the inside and the outside. It might not seem like it at the time, but we all eventually learn that a moment on the lips actually is forever on the hips. This article is here to try and change your or should I say our bad ways in time to reverse the effects on them. Here’s why a healthy lifestyle truly is a good one.

Want to Get Ahead? Gaming Cheats Could Be the Way Forward

Have you ever invested hours in a game, only to find that the people who “pay to win” are always ahead? Maybe you are just sick and tired of watching people buy their way to the top, while you’re stuck at the bottom trying to play the game legitimately. Either way, cheating is the best way for you to get ahead without spending any money at all. Take a look below to see some of the benefits of cheating, and what games they are best for.

Shooting Games

It’s annoying when you spend a couple of hours a day playing a PS4 shooter game, only to find that everyone can quick-scope and kill you in one second or less. You can’t beat this type of gamer. Those are the type of people who spend days on the game, so their muscle memory is completely on-point. Unless you are willing to do the same, you probably won’t get anywhere and this can cause you real anger issues, to say the least. Cheats can help you to avoid all of this by showing you how you can get ahead without having to spend hours leveling up or even by learning the game. With cheats, the world of shooting games is at your doorstep and you can get that perfect shot every single time. This is the case whether you’re playing online, by yourself or anything else of the sort. You can even buy cheats online here, so you know that nobody else will be able to have the same experience as you.

Science Fiction MMORPGs

A lot of science fiction games are played online. Take Star Wars Battlefront for example. When your game online, you have a base of hardcore gamers and they all have every single button combination mastered. It’s not a case of pointing and shooting, you need to master each move and develop strategies to overcome the competition, and sometimes this isn’t always possible. After all, you don’t have the time to learn every single map out there and you also don’t have time to learn the environment and how it can be used either. For that reason, cheats can go a long way and they can even help you to get ahead so you can take advantage of the higher-level guns, lightsabers or swords. So it doesn’t matter what game you play or what style you have because by cheating you can not only help to give yourself a better playing experience because you can also help yourself to really take that next step with your gaming character as well.

With so many games released every year, there is always something new for you to play and it is a great way for you to really take advantage of the fun and excitement that they have to offer. If you don’t want to spend the time to learn the physics of a game, such as a bullet drop, wind or anything else, then cheating can be the way to go and even if cheats are not enabled in the game, there are still ways for you to access everything you need.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Protect Your Child's Vision - Eye Care Tips

Protecting our own eyes is extremely important throughout our life. As parents it’s our job to ensure our children’s eyes stay healthy too. Children learn about their world through what they see. Unfortunately the very nature of being a child means that their eyes are more vulnerable to infection. A common complaint in childhood is conjunctivitis because it is so infectious. Good handwashing and a trip to the gp will help prevent and treat this. Our eyes are our windows to the outside world and looking after the health of our eyes will ensure that any problems can be identified and rectified. 

Eye examinations

It is recommended that children should have their first eye examination before school, following which our eyes should be examined at least annually by a qualified optician or eye specialist. Specialists not only look at correcting your vision with spectacles or contact lenses, they also look at the health of your eyes and will refer you for further examination by an ophthalmologist if necessary. Your child's eyes will probably be screened at school in the first year. This is to identify whether your child needs their vision correcting or if they are showing signs of astigmatism. 

Family history

Children who have a family history of eye conditions may need extra screening, being aware of your family history regarding eye conditions will enable yourself and your eye specialist to be on the lookout for the conditions affecting yours and your child's eyes. Many eye conditions are hereditary. Conditions such as glaucoma need to be treated early either by medication or surgery. There has been a lot of progress in treating conditions in recent years.

Conditions such as cornea ectasia can now be treated by a procedure called corneal cross linking, which strengthens the cornea and stops it from changing shape. 


Your child’s eyes need protecting from bright sunlight by the use of sunglasses with uv protection. Goggles with uv protection are also necessary for skiing as the combination of sunlight and white snow creates extremely bright conditions. 


Give your child’s eyes the chance to rest and recover from the onslaught of technology. Try to monitor screen time and encourage teenagers to avoid being on their mobile phone for long periods of time, checking social media accounts or simply just surf the web!

School work is often completed on computers or tablets nowadays, which often means long periods of time looking at screens. A lot of children enjoy gaming as a hobby or watching TV, added together all these activities mean a huge amount of time staring at screens. Encourage regular breaks and time away from screens in the evenings if possible. Too much screen time can cause your child’s eyes to feel dry and gritty. Too much screen time can also cause headaches.

By following this advice and encouraging your child to eat a healthy well-balanced diet, your child’s eyes should remain in good health. For optimal eye health visit your eye specialist regularly and ensure your child’s diet consists of lots of leafy green vegetables, oily fish and carrots - yes the old wives tale did have some truth in it!

The C Word - Helping Friends With A Sick Child

There’s nothing worse than hearing the dreaded C word. Even if you and your immediate family aren’t directly affected by cancer, this terrible disease can still infiltrate your life. One of the most common ways is if one of your friend’s family is affected by it. As a friend, you will obviously want to be there for your friend and support him or her as much as you can. But what if it is their child who gets the diagnosis? This can be a devastating diagnosis and many parents will take this harder than if had been themselves who had been hit with the C word. 

Want to help a friend whose child has recently been diagnosed with cancer? Here are some things you can do without overstepping any boundaries.