Thursday, July 13, 2017

Dinner Parties: Creating A Stress Free Menu

When it comes to planning your next dinner party, you need to create as little stress for yourself as possible. There is so much to remember, from preparing the dinner table to arranging the seating plan. Of course, it is the food that needs to take priority, as you don’t want your guests leaving your home with an empty or unsatisfied stomach.

To help you, here are some tops tips for planning your dinner party, with some examples of food that may go down a treat with your guests.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Let’s Keep Our Kids Healthy with Nutrawell!

With school back in session, kids are more likely to get ill. Just recently, Athena and Brianna was admitted to the hospital, thus they have to miss school and Emergency Leave for me and Jaear. That's why we have to take extra effort to keep our kids healthy. This extra care will help them maintain their energy to perform in school and excel in their chosen passions. A great way to do that is by giving them the right Nutraceuticals every day. 

A week ago, Generika Drugstore sent me a wellness bag for the kids. It includes Nutrawell Probiotics and Actimed Ascorbic Acid. Exclusively available at any Generika Drugstore near you, these food supplements can help boost your kids’ wellness.

Nutrawell Probiotics for Kids contains 5 Billion Colony Forming Units (CFUs) of 7 safe and effective strains of active lactobacillus. A grape flavored powder mix with more strains compared to other probiotic brands, it can be mixed with your kid's favorite drink. With its fruity flavor, your kids can even take their daily dose straight from the sachet too. Regular doses will help restore the good bacteria in the digestive system, helping the body improve its defenses against disease.

Actimed Ascorbic Acid is a potent antioxidant and vitamin that serves an important role in many of the body’s functions. An overall immune booster, it assists in the repair of blood cells, tissues, and bones. This vitamin also helps in the proper absorption of iron and aids in the speedy healing of cuts and wounds. Nutrawell Sodium Ascorbate provides the same benefits without the potential side effect of gastric irritation. Both food supplements come in syrup form.

To make the most out of Nutrawell Nutraceuticals by Generika Drugstore, it’s best to keep your kids on a healthy regimen. Make sure they get ample time for rest while having enough time for sports and other physical activities. Shifting your household menu towards more fruits, vegetables, and lean meats also helps – so that your kids develop a preference for healthy food over processed options.

Visit a Generika Drugstore near you to discover safe, effective, and affordable medications and nutraceutical products. Starting this school year, give your kids the gift that lasts a lifetime – their good health! To learn more about Generika Drugstore, simply visit their official Facebook page at

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Addressing Different Skin Problems

Problem skin can be hell - especially if you’re struggling to keep it under control. As we age, have babies and experience different lifestyle changes, our skin types can change, causing misery as we learn to deal with them. Knowing how to tackle different skin issues will mean you’re ready for anything and will help you get your skin back under control. Take a look at the following tips for tackling different skin issues.

Image source: Pexels

Stop Letting These Rooms Go To Waste!

If there's one mistake that a lot of people tend to make when it comes to their home, it's this: they simply aren't using every room to its full potential. That might sound like a rather odd thing to say, but it's true. After all, you can probably think of rooms that you use much more often than others, right? The living room, kitchen, and bedroom are the rooms that you find yourself spending most of your time in and, of course, you're going to need to use the bathroom no matter what. However, those aren't the only rooms in the house, and if you're ignoring the others, then your home is never really going to feel right. With that in mind, here are some rooms in your home that you might be letting go to waste.

Dining room

For a lot of people, the dining room ends up being somewhat pointless. After all, so many of us eat our meals on our laps in front of the TV. But this means that you're missing out on one of the best things about the dining, that it's a communal space for your family to get together and just spend some time with each other. There's something wonderful about everyone sitting down for a meal at the dining room table without any distractions from the TV or phones getting in the way. Not only that but the dining room can be the place where you and your family play games, make things and spend a lot of quality time together.


Many people set up an office in their home with some really good intentions. It will be a dedicated space for them to work without being disturbed so that they can be as productive as possible. However, in reality, what ends up happening is that they do any work that needs doing on the couch and their office ends up basically being a dumping ground for things that they don't have room for anywhere else in the house. If you have work that you need to do at home, then you should make sure that you're always using your office for it. You'll be able to focus much better, and you'll end up being much more productive because of it.


In the vast majority of homes, the attic really is nothing more than a glorified storage closet. It's the place to dump boxes, old furniture, and anything else that you simply don't have a place for. However, this is a real waste. Not only does it encourage people never to throw anything away but it means that you're not taking advantage of a potentially fantastic space in your home. Instead of just dumping stuff in it, why not convert your attic into a spare room? Sure, it will take a little bit of work, but your kids will love having a special secret place where they can spend their time away from the world, playing and keeping themselves entertained. Plus, it gives you somewhere to put guests up when they come to visit, making your home a much more inviting place for friends and family.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Finding The Tonic For A Toxic Relationship

There is no rulebook as to how you should maintain the perfect relationship, as no relationship is perfect. However, there are smart and not-so-smart ways to work through problems as a couple. If you feel as if you and your partner have been opting for the latter whenever you come across an obstacle then here are some ideas which might help you to resolve your problems.