Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Raise Your Little Champions at the MILO Summer Sports Clinics 2016

Tristan is now graduating from Kinder 2 and later today is their school's Commencement Ceremony at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC). Time flies by so fast, my not-so-little man is growing up and next school year he's already moving up to grade 1. I am excited and a bit worried for him, oh the feeling of ambivalence! Mommies do you also feel the same way? But before we worry about that, let's first enjoy the moment because summer is finally here! 

Some of you are planning to have a vacation somewhere, a visit to your provinces perhaps. But I believe that there are still some families who will be staying in the Metro. And for those of you who will, you can definitely make the most out of your summer especially your kids' because there are lots of activities you can let them take up. Activities where they will not only learn the fundamentals of a sport, but will also build their character! And, that’s what MILO is offering as it officially launches this year’s MILO Summer Sports Clinics at the City Club in Alphaland Makati last March 12, 2016.
(from L-R): Aurora Alipao (Head of Corporate Communications & Consumer Services, NestlĂ© Philippines Inc.), Ellen Isturis (Team Lead, MILO Philippines), Nicholas Belasco (Assistant General Manager – Sports & Recreation, Alphaland City Club), Robbie de Vera (Sports Marketing Manager, MILO Philippines) and Andrew Neri (Sports Marketing Manager, MILO Philippines), toast to the official launch of the 2016 MILO Summer Sports Clinics.

Jaear, Tristan and I together with some members of the media and their children were given a first look of what’s in store for this year’s program at the launch. MILO provided mini sessions where kids were able to experience what an actual class from the MILO Summer Sports Clinics would be like. 

Members of the Association for the Advancement of Karatedo (AAK) impressed media 
with a karatedo demonstration during the program.
The program has 17 sports offering and Tristan got to try out 7 of it which are the following:



Table Tennis
The remaining sports are the following: Badminton, Bowling, Swimming, Ice Skating, Karatedo,  Taekwondo, Touch Rugby plus 3 new sports in this years' roster: Golf, Fencing and Triathlon. 

This coming April until May, the MILO Summer Sports Clinics offers a healthy summer experience full of fun and excitement where kids can expect to learn the fundamentals of their favorite sport from expert coaches of respected sporting organizations in the country. The program also promotes the importance of living an active and healthy lifestyle, and offers the opportunity to gain new friends while acquiring character-building traits they can learn in the process such as confidence, discipline, diligence,perseverance, respect, teamwork and sportsmanship.

MILO is my kids favorite chocolate drink, they drink 1 glass in the morning and sometimes another 1 in the afternoon. Drinking MILO with ACTIV-GO everyday helps energize both the body and mind so that kids have the winning energy to fuel them before every game. With Milo, moms can raise their little champions to be active in their sport of choice. 

If you would like to enroll you kids you can register and check class schedules at 
sign up, download the registration form, 
and submit to the organizer of the sport of your choice
together with an empty 1kg pack of MILO.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Updated: Sunday Funday at the Kids On Bikes Ph 2016

Hi Mommies, remember my post about the Kids On Bikes PH 2016? Were you able to attend the Opening last Sunday, March 6? We did, and it was a lot of fun! Actually, days prior to the event all my 3 kids were excited about it.  It could have been a great bonding for the whole family, however I was only able to bring Athena since Jaear had to work on some stuff at home that day. Nevertheless, I was pretty sure that Athena enjoyed our mommy and daughter Sunday bike date. 

Kids On Bikes were also graced by my fellow Mommy Bloggers
Lhyzie and Richelle
Usually on Sundays we wake up late, but that Sunday we woke up early since the Registration started as early as 8AM and we still have to travel from Las Pinas to SM Mall of Asia. More than Athena, I was excited for this because I want to encourage my kids to have a healthy and active lifestyle. Every weekdays we are confined indoors and don't really have time for some active playing outdoors, so weekends' really are the best days for it.

When we arrived, the Open Grounds of SM Mall of Asia was already filled with colorful balloons and banners, parents and children anticipating the fun they'll have that day, of course that includes us!

Upon registration, we were given our Race Kit which includes, Singlet jersey race shirt, a wrist band (baller), Race number sticker and Kids On Bikes water jugs. Then the fun begins!

Athena is just 3 years old so I was expecting a bike with training wheels, but I was surprised to know that those kind of bikes are not really good for beginners. The bikes they have there was called "Strider Balance Bikes" they literally don't have pedals. Children move along by pushing the ground with their feet. Strider balance bikes are more conducive for learning as it focuses on the fundamentals of balancing, leaning, and steering without the distractions and complications of pedals or training wheels.

The bikes are only limited so it was a first come first serve basis, but as I've mentioned on my previous post that you could also bring your own bike. We didn't bring our own bike but we were able to score one and Athena just got lucky because she got a Pink Bike, Pink is her favorite color so she was very happy. Haha! Before the race officially began, I already let Athena bike along with other kids her age. 

After the registration, they officially opened the program with a few talks from the organizers including safety measures to be observed. "Gio" (Growee's mascot) was also there, and together with the kids they did some stretching and warm up exercises.

The Race then began starting off with the Fun Ride for kids ages 3-5 years old.

It was then followed by the Bike Relay for kids ages 6-8 years old 
together with their 2 family members.

 During the race, you won't see any tension from the participants all you can see is their smiles and laughter as they enjoy the moment.
In between the race, there were organized parlor games. 

There were also installed trampoline and inflatable play pen with balls within the area which kept Athena and other kids entertained aside from biking. 

The Main race for kids ages 9-13 years old started around 11AM, in this category  “The Biker Kid Of The Year” was hailed. All the other finalists will again compete on the Finale which will also be held at SM Mall Of Asia on April 9, 2016 together with the other finalists from the upcoming leg of Kids On Bikes PH which will be held on the following dates and venues:
  • March 19, 2016 at the (Ayala Alabang Country Club)
UPDATE: The road to Kids On Bikes Ayala Alabang Leg is closed. For the second leg, they are redirecting the bikes and gearing up for an Easter Sunday bike race at UP Diliman Campus grounds.
  • March 27, 2016 at the UP Diliman Grounds
So if you missed the fun during the first round, you still have the chance to join. Nowadays, whether we like it or not kids are leading an increasingly sedentary lifestyle; they tend to spend more of their time indoors either playing with their gadgets or watching TV.  As parents we should lead a more active lifestyle by encouraging them to play outdoor sports and engage in other physical activities. That's why I am really thankful that Unilab organized activities such as this, they are reminders that being active and healthy is fun. And,in order for our kids to be able to do this, they need to have the right physical make up - they have to be tall and tough. As the slogan of Unilab's Growee vitamin says, "It’s not enough for them to be just tall, they have to be tough as well with strong bones and strong muscles" and our kids can get it from daily intake of Vitamin D!

So Mommies make sure that the vitamins you are giving your kids have Vitamin D. Give them Growee! It not only has CGF for maximum height, but also Vitamin D for strong bones and strong muscles. With Growee, "kids are not just tall, they’re tough as well".

Growee is available in all leading drugstores nationwide at the following prices: Growee Drops 15mL at P80.49, Growee Syrup 120mL at P146.90, Growee Syrup 250mL at P267.40.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Laking Amazing Kids with Nido Growing Up Milk!

Hi mommies! I know you'll all agree with me when I say that being a mother is one of best feeling in the world but undeniably a no easy task, right? I enjoy being a mom but I admit to being overwhelmed sometimes especially that I have 3 kids who are just in their early childhood years. And because of that, I am guilty of not letting them explore and play outdoors. Since we don't have a helper i get to do most of the household chores, so if I can't be with them outdoors and watch what they are playing with then they stay in the house. As much as I want my kids to experience an amazing childhood just like I did when I was just little, I admit to being overly protective.

The Nido GUM (Growing Up Milk) Bloggers Kick Off Event was held at the Early Bird Breakfast Club  BGC last January 26, 2016 and was hosted by the celebrity mom Ms. Bettinna Carlos. 

That's why I'm glad to be one of the Mommy Bloggers who got invited to the "Nido GUM Bloggers Kick Off Event" because I learned a lot of things about protecting my kids while ensuring that they also experience an amazing childhood which I will be sharing with you through this post. 

As a mom, we always want what's best for our kids and that includes protecting them from all the possible dangers and sickness that they could acquire on a daily basis. There are actually a lot of ways to protect children, and one of the best ways to properly do so is to start from the inside. Yes, we’re talking about giving them proper nutrition.

Event host Ms. Bettinna Carlos with the Marketing Team of Nido Growing Up Milk who organized the event to help and educate mommies on proper nutrition and protection for age specific growing up kids. 

Get our kids to Eat Healthy!
Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals that benefit children in many ways. Aside from improved nutrition, these nutrient-dense foods also build up their immune system, prevent the risk of obesity, and promote healthy bowel patterns. However, most kids today are picky eaters. They constantly ask for sweets, eat fewer vegetables, and request for the same food over and over again.

Here are some tips to help increase their fruit and veggie consumption:
  • Make meal times more colorful by mixing green, leafy vegetables with bright-colored ones like carrots and squash. You can also portion it in such a way that there are more fruits into the mix for that added sweetness. 
  • Keep children away from the TV during meal times and always have them eat on the table to limit distractions and promote good eating manners. 
  • Be a positive role model and eat healthy food together as a family as kids at a young age are still most likely to copy what they see others do. 
  • Teach kids healthy food choices by bringing them to the grocery and explaining the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables in a manner they will appreciate. 
  • Involve them in the kitchen and show them how to prepare quick healthy snacks, so they won’t turn to chips and sweets when they get hungry.

Protection for Laking Amazing kids
The ability of children to ward off sickness and disease is also very reliant on the health of their stomach where bacteria thrive. When people think of bacteria, we often think of it negatively. But the truth is, not all bacteria are bad. There are good bacteria and bad bacteria, and whenever there are too much bad bacteria in the tummy, the stomach system is thrown off balance, leaving children weak and vulnerable. 

To address this situation, NestlĂ© Research especially developed  NIDO® 3+ the only milk brand with Lactobacillus PROTECTUS®, with millions and millions of live good bacteria that are constantly on guard to maintain stomach balance and help strengthen the immune system. 

Aside from Lactobacillus PROTECTUS®, NIDO® 3+ also contains other essential nutrients such as Prebio® 3, DHA, ALA, LA, Folic Acid, Taurine, and high levels of vitamins A, B3, C, D, E and Zinc to support overall growth and development. 

For kids 5 and up, there is NIDO® 5+, enriched with CALCI-N® to help build healthy bones by providing better calcium absorption. 

No matter how hard we try sometimes we just can't force our kids to eat all the nutritious food that we prepared for them thus their nutritional needs are not being met. Now with Nido Growing Up Milk we have a partner in ensuring that our kids are healthy and protected from within, isn't it great Mommies?

At the event I also got the chance to have a 1 on 1 consultation with one of the Nutritionist/Dietitian regarding some nutritional concerns I have with my kids. 
To know more about proper nutrition and protection for kids above 3 years of age, avail of the free consultations with NIDO® 3+ and NIDO® 5+ licensed nutritionists in select groceries and supermarkets nationwide starting February 2016. For more details.

NIDO® 3+ and NIDO® 5+ are not suitable for infant feeding and are not breastmilk substitutes.

Monday, November 30, 2015

5 Tips to Boost Your Immunity during the Holidays

Have you ever wondered why you feel stressed during holidays even though it’s supposed to be fun and exciting? The saying too much of a good thing fits this situation perfectly. The good things brought by thinking how you can make someone happy with a simple yet special gift on those war like sales at the department stores, The thought of how to make those smiles appear from the faces of those who comes in your house after spending hours and hours decorating your place, the idea of everyone feasting to the food that you tried to learn after searching rigorously online and even the small details on how you can make this year’s holiday extra special. All of those adding to our daily activities which already consumes a lot of time can definitely give you some challenges especially for a mom like me. Good thing I follow these 5 tips that keeps me strong and healthy despite the holiday stress:

Stress free tip no. 1: Plan!

Planning your activities and setting up your priorities can save you a lot of time, effort and resources which will not only save you from the stress of a hectic schedule but will also prepare you even better on completing your task efficiently. Less time working means more time enjoying! This way instead of worrying how to start or finish what you need to do, you’ll be able to look on the brighter side of things which is to see your love ones happy.

Stress free tip no. 2: Stick to a sleeping schedule!

Everyone thinks that this is the thing you do to end the day but it’s the opposite for me. It’s a must that we get enough sleep to start the day right. You need the energy that can last for you to finish you tasks. Not getting enough sleep can lower your immune system which will make you vulnerable to virus and sickness. You don’t want to be like The Grinch who’s always grumpy during the holidays do you? Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite.

Stress free tip no. 3: Eat Healthy! 

You don’t have to starve yourself but pay attention to what you eat and drink. There are foods and drinks that can provide you a temporary energy boost but it’s better to eat nutritious food like fruits and veggies balanced with some meat and fish. Eating right will make you more focused on the things you need to do instead of thinking what to eat next. Don’t forget to also drink plenty of water because it’s good for your body. It helps you feel less hungry as well as keeps you hydrated which is good for your skin. You really can’t blame the holiday for giving you a big belly right?

Stress free tip no. 4: Stay active! Exercise!

I know it’s hard to squeeze this in your schedule but if there’s a will there’s a way. First you can take stairs instead of elevators, Second have fun playing sports with your friends, Third walk to near places instead of riding a vehicle *Hey it’s a win win situation! Less pollution while getting fit right?*, Fourth clean your place cause it will keep you active and give you a clean environment for those happy thoughts and smart ideas to flow and last but not the least is limit your time from the television. There’s so many things to keep you active without even noticing that your already on your way to a healthier and fitter you.

Stress free tip no. 5: Take vitamins, Take Fern C!

Every superhero has a sidekick that’s always there to boost their strength. Fern C is my sidekick as a SuperMom whose job is to be a Blogger, Nurse, Wife, Cook, Teacher, Friend and everything in between that a Mother fulfills. I get vitamin C that helps me in Iron Absorption to prevent anemia especially during those days when I feel that 24 hours isn’t enough as a mom. I’m able to have my daily dose of Antioxidants that gives me a strong immune system to avoid diseases.

What I love most about Fern C is how Sodium Ascorbate unlike Ascorbic Acid doesn’t cause stomach upsets while giving the same benefits of building up and strengthening our immune system against infections and stress. Sodium helps prevent colds, promotes fast wound healing and prevents bone fractures and vulnerability of the small blood vessels which a mom like me can’t afford to have even for a day.

This holiday season let’s all say No to stress because with Fern C you can say Yes to your Best!

You can get more details by visiting this website:

Fern-C Facebook:

Fern-C Twitter:

Fern-C Instagram:

#FernCSubokNa #StressFreeChristmas #HealthyHoliday

~Mommy Poreber

Friday, November 27, 2015

PhilCare Launches Unlimited Medical and Dental Consultation Cards

"Prevention is better than cure" 

I don't know how many times I've heard and have used this saying, it may be cliche but the essence of it never changes. However, people tend to disregard it's importance especially when it comes to health. This has been uncovered during the 2014 PhilCare Wellness Index, the first of its kind study in the Philippines. 

Majority or about 74% of Filipinos views health as "curative" rather than preventive. Meaning, they choose to self medicate and will only consult a doctor when they are already sick, which is indeed very alarming. High cost of consultation is one of the reason that prevents them from doing so. 

I got invited last November 24, 2015 at Bistro Pamana over an  intimate Thanks giving party for Bloggers which is also the launching of the Unlimited Medical and Dental Consultation Cards, which is PhilCare's solution to the health situation we have here in the Philippines. 

"PhilCare believes that prevention is always better than cure. Other than leading a healthy lifestyle, Filipinos should also be able to have immediate access to their doctors during onset of any illness or even just to check the progress of their health. Our new Unlimited Medical and Dental Consultation Cards will address this need." says Noemi G. Azura, President and CEO of PhilCare

PhilCare understands that each age range has specific health concerns, that's why they developed three variants of the Unlimited Medical and Dental Consultation Cards according to the age of its users.

Medical and Dental Consultation for Kids - (Php 3,700) for kids aged 1 to 17 years old.
 Offers unlimited medical consultations to more than 5,500 PhilCare-affiliated pediatrician and one year unlimited consultation with Dental Network dentists. 

Medical and Dental Consultation for Adults- (Php 3,600) for adults aged 18 to 64 years old.
Medical and Dental Consultation for 65+- (Php 5,000) Ideal for adults aged 65 and above.
--- Card offers unlimited medical consultation to more than 9,600 PhilCare-affiliated family medicine specialists, internal medicine specialists, cardiologists and gastroenterologists nationwide. One year access to Dental Network dentists. 

Patty P. Henson, SVP and Chief Marketing Officer for PhilCare shares, "The unlimited consult cards makes consultations easy, affordable and available for everyone- especially for senior citizens. No long paper work to register, activation of the card is done by text and can be used 3 days immediately after activation. We always said that PhilCare Makes Health Happen- this is a testament to that commitment."

This is definitely a good news to everyone, I just hope that this will change people's approach on health and wellness.

Together with the PhilCare Bosses and one of the winner, Mr. Oscar Bornea.

At the event PhilCare hosted a contest and my flatlay photography skill (haha) won me my own Smart Check Up Card- Annual Physical Exam Package. 

I am looking into getting Unlimited Medical and Dental Consultation Cards for my parents who are in the province and the good news is, PhilCare has also made it easy for everyone to purchase courtesy of its efficient shopping online system.

For more information you can visit their website: 

To buy, just log on to the website.

#UnliConsult4Ever #MakeHealthHappen

~Mommy Poreber