Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Doctor is In: 5 Ways to Choose Your Ob-Gyne

There’s an unspoken special kind of bond between a gynecologist and a patient. You see, besides having an access to the most intimate part of the body, an obstetrician-gynecologist plays a big role in your wellness– from keeping your reproductive system at the pink of its health, to guiding you through every stage of pregnancy, down to delivering a new member of the family. So don’t take chances when you’re looking for Dr. Right. That’s why Jeunesse Anion’s Dr. Faith Suluen, ob-gyn tackles these 5 practical checklists to consider. Read on and find out here:

Old Orchard Cranberry’s Tips on How to Take Care of your Kidneys

Kidneys are part of our urinary system. They are two bean-shaped multi-functional powerhouse organs that expel waste from the body, balance body fluids, release hormones that regulate blood pressure, and control the production of red blood cells.

With all those jobs to be done, our kidneys deserve attention and care. The National Kidney and Transplant Institute has reported that Kidney Failure is the 7th leading cause of death among Filipinos and close to an estimate of 30,000-40,000 patients yearly undergo dialysis. Kidney disease often cannot be cured, but fortunately, it can be prevented early by taking care of our urinary tract. With the aid of Old Orchard’s resident US nutritionist, Amy Bragagnini, MS, RD, CSO, here are some tips that can help you prevent urinary tract and kidney infections.

1. Eating Healthy and Exercising Regularly.

Diabetes and high blood pressure cause most of the kidney problems. When blood pressure is high, blood vessels stretch to allow blood to flow more easily. The stretching eventually injures and weakens the blood vessels, impairing their ability to clean blood properly, including those in the kidneys. That’s why it is always best to follow healthy eating habits such as limiting intake of sodium (2,500 mg) and sugar and controlling weight and blood pressure through exercise. Watchful eaters should also consider the addition of calcium-filled food (milk, yogurt, calcium-fortified cereals, etc.) to their diet. However, Bragagnini notes that one must not mistake calcium supplements as an alternative to the natural food sources, as it could result to kidney stone formation when taken in excess.

2. Giving up on Smoking

If you’re smoking, you should quit now as smoking slows the flow of blood to the kidneys. This results to an impairment to function properly which increases risks of kidney cancer by 50%.

3. Following Directions for Over-the-Counter Medications.

Your kidneys can only take so much. Overdoing your medications create high toxins level in the body, posing a great burden on the kidneys. So as much as possible, limit yourself from too much chemical exposure. If you really need medications, consult with your physician and follow the instructions well.

4. Having them Screened Regularly. 

If diabetes or high blood pressure is in the genes, it is always ideal for you to have your kidneys tested regularly as part of your routine check-up. A creatinine level higher than 1.2 for women and 1.4 for men is a sure sign of a kidney problem.

5. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! 

“Fluid intake is another important step to help lower risk of kidney stone formation and urinary tract infection”, stresses Bragagini. Healthy individuals who aren’t suffering present kidney diseases should consume enough water and other fluids of at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Consuming enough fluid helps dilute the urine and helps flush toxins. Bragagini prescribes that pairing a meal with Cranberry juice in moderation is a great way to reduce instances of irritation in the urinary tract. In fact, Cranberries are power packed fruits that are rich in Vitamin C and a source of Flavonoid and Phytonutrient contents called Hippuric Acid and Proanthocyanidin. These power duo components prevent UTI-causing bacteria from sticking to the wall of the bladder and urinary tract preventing further damage to the kidneys.

Bragagini closes by saying that the most important thing you can do to keep your kidneys safe is to take care of your overall body to reduce your chances of developing diseases that put a strain on your kidneys. Coupled by prevention, it is also aided by continuously doing a consultation with your physician or dietitian.

Old Orchard can be enjoyed in three flavors: Cranberry, Apple Cranberry, and Cranberry Raspberry. There are also diabetic-friendly variants that contain 75 percent less sugar and only has 20 calories: Healthy Balance Cranberry and Healthy Balance Apple Cranberry. From health tips to fruity recipes, you can also learn more at

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

5 Things They Don't Tell You Before Having A Baby

The moment you found out that you were going to be bringing another little one into the world was the best day of your life. You wept tears of happiness, your partner was stunned into a panic, and it was a mammoth task keeping your pregnancy a secret from friends up until the twelve-week scan. You had visions of you and your partner sharing the feeding duties, changing diapers and getting up in the night to soothe your baby. Now your new little of bundle of joy has arrived and you are learning that the perfect family idyll is not quite as you thought it might be. Learning on the job is very much the order of the day. Nothing and no one can prepare you for the major shift in lifestyle that another tiny human being can cause. There’s also a ridiculous amount of stuff that you hadn’t even thought of pre-birth that no one cared to mention to you. Well-meaning friends and family kept telling you ominously that it will ‘all be worth it in the end.’ Now you’re beginning to understand a little more about what they meant. Take a look at these five things they don’t tell you before having a baby and discover how you can overcome them.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

How Far Should You Go to Improve Your Child's Life Chances?

This is a question that is difficult to answer, and it’s something that every parent has their own perspective and feels on. However, it’s something that is definitely worth thinking about and paying attention to. If you can make sure that you are comfortable with how far you’re going and are willing to go for your child’s life chances, your family life will be much smoother. But how far is far enough? 

And how far is too far? 

Circumstances Have an Impact

There are some ways in which your family circumstances have an impact on your children’s prospects and future fortunes. For example, if you live near a poor school, it could impact your child’s educational prospects. Many parents move using to a district with a better school. It could mean that they have greater chances of success.

These things shouldn’t be ignored, but how far you can go to improve the life chances of your kids is not always clear. Even something like moving house is to an area with a better school is not possible for many people. And lots of people would argue that access to good education shouldn’t depend on where a child is born and lives.

Home Life Overwhelm? It's Time To Make Life Easier!

Families tend to have a lot going on these days. Parents have work and chores to do around the house. Kids have school, homework, after school activities and social lives to keep up. If parents are lucky, they also have hobbies and a social life to consider! This can make home life extremely overwhelming. If you feel like things are getting a little too much, here’s how you can make your life easier.